Nasty IIS site compilation error / bug

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ryan
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,

I have a web site that I am editing on my local machine running under
IIS that compiles from Visual Studio fine and gives no errors when
running the web deployment project either.

If I browse the site it works, if I then edit a page (no code changes,
just a visual edit) and save that page back to the site I normally get
the following error on the next page access.

Compiler Error Message: The compiler failed with error code 1.

Not much more than that, the 'Show Detailed Compiler Output:' link just
shows the command line used to recompile the site. To find out what was
actually going on I then went to a command prompt and issued the same
command. The output is below;

vbc : Fatal error BC2000 : compiler initialization failed unexpectedly:
already has a reference to assembly System.Configuration.Install. A
second refer
ence to
5f7f11d50a3a\System.Configuration.Install.dll' cannot be added.

The duplicate reference changes so that other times it might be
system.web and I'm not adding any libs to the solution.

Somehow the dynamic compilation is getting muddled up, when IIS kicks
off another compile/update it just fails. I mentioned that I can build
a deployment but I do not actually use this on my local machine, it is
just a check to see if the full project can compile.

I've updated to the hot fixes identified in which has sorted some Visual
Studio issues out.

To my eye this is a bug because although I might be doing something
wrong, I don't have enough information to find out what.

Any thoughs gratefully received.

Thanks in advance,

It looks as if the solution that is being recompiled on the web includes an
installation project as well. I am not familiar with creating distribution
packages for web sites but I think if you reorganize the solution in the
development environment to exclude the deployment then the recompile should
Brad said:
It looks as if the solution that is being recompiled on the web includes an
installation project as well. I am not familiar with creating distribution
packages for web sites but I think if you reorganize the solution in the
development environment to exclude the deployment then the recompile should

Thanks Brad, I called MS and got the hotfix anyway, which makes it
better but does not make it go away completely. Roll on SP1.