Sorry for the "extra" Audacity post (I had not read all
of the responses).
Anyway, when I was in school I had a neat part-time job
at a radio station as a broadcast engineer, and
eventually dabbled in the announcing end of things when
other people were on vacation. A trick that I learned
that accomplishes what you seem to want is to simply hold
your left hand gently around the base of your neck just
above the collar bone and apply a gentle "choking"
pressure to your throat. This will deepen your voice
slightly. Interestingly, this was used by some of the
newer announcers to avoid nervousness and shrill spikes
in their voice. Also, depending on how carried away you
want to get, you can fool around with other tricks like
putting the microphone inside of various containers
(wastebaskets, etc) that might enhance the frequency
range you want.
Finally, along the lines of what JohnK was mentioning
(butts, etc), booze, specifically a few "shots" the night
before will accomplish the same thing. However, there is
a more "rational" way to irritate your vocal cords (which
lowers the voice), and that is to talk a lot -- read out
loud for an hour or so, or howl like a wolf for 5 to 10
minutes... you get the idea. Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know an easy way to obtain that effect, to
be able to dub in a narrator with a deep voice. Is there
an easy way that you can obtain that deep tone, any
effects u can use on any program? I konw how to get it
onto the vdieo, but i don't know how to create such a
deep toned voice.