Narrator with a deep voice?

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Does anyone know an easy way to obtain that effect, to be able to dub in a narrator with a deep voice. Is there an easy way that you can obtain that deep tone, any effects u can use on any program? I konw how to get it onto the vdieo, but i don't know how to create such a deep toned voice.
I'm thinking that, if you slow down a clip with a normal voice by some
factor, it'll get deeper... so you could save the file and use it in your
project. I'll have to try it to see what setting to use in a custom slow
down effect.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

Lens Head said:
Does anyone know an easy way to obtain that effect, to be able to dub in a
narrator with a deep voice. Is there an easy way that you can obtain that
deep tone, any effects u can use on any program? I konw how to get it onto
the vdieo, but i don't know how to create such a deep toned voice.
Hi there,

I have come across a few programs that do it for you...

The best one is free !! Its called Audacity you can get to it from the link
in the Audio section on my website.

There is no fiddling around with botch-up jobs, you simply select the
section of audio that you want to alter, set how much you want to alter it
and then preview it before committing yourself....

Use the right program for the job, trying to get Movie Maker to do it is a
complete waste of effort and not nearly as quick as using the right
software for the job at hand.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Sad to say, you sort of rely on your own voice. However,
you may notice at different times of the day, your own
voice changes. For example, I can can deepest in the
mornings. Then you get close to the mic but not close
enough to hear the breathing. Being closer allows you to
get deeper because you do not have to project your voice
as much and can instead focus on the sound.
-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know an easy way to obtain that effect, to be
able to dub in a narrator with a deep voice. Is there an
easy way that you can obtain that deep tone, any effects u
can use on any program? I konw how to get it onto the
vdieo, but i don't know how to create such a deep toned
Hi there,

Yes that's exactly right. I stopped smoking around 3.5yrs ago and my voice
has changed back to what I suppose is normal..I was a very heavy smoker
back then....DIRTY HABIT :) :) and I would love one right now!!!

Its because of what you say that I recommended Audacity the audio
program...It can do some very clever things to your voice.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hi There,

There are lots of special effects in this free product --
check it out...

I've used it to modify the sound of thunder in a manner
you seem to want to do with voice -- just make a short
sound bite, bring it into the program and start clicking
away on the special effects... make sure you "undo" if
you want to start over, since effects are additive -- or
just bring in a fresh copy. Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know an easy way to obtain that effect, to
be able to dub in a narrator with a deep voice. Is there
an easy way that you can obtain that deep tone, any
effects u can use on any program? I konw how to get it
onto the vdieo, but i don't know how to create such a
deep toned voice.
Sorry for the "extra" Audacity post (I had not read all
of the responses).

Anyway, when I was in school I had a neat part-time job
at a radio station as a broadcast engineer, and
eventually dabbled in the announcing end of things when
other people were on vacation. A trick that I learned
that accomplishes what you seem to want is to simply hold
your left hand gently around the base of your neck just
above the collar bone and apply a gentle "choking"
pressure to your throat. This will deepen your voice
slightly. Interestingly, this was used by some of the
newer announcers to avoid nervousness and shrill spikes
in their voice. Also, depending on how carried away you
want to get, you can fool around with other tricks like
putting the microphone inside of various containers
(wastebaskets, etc) that might enhance the frequency
range you want.

Finally, along the lines of what JohnK was mentioning
(butts, etc), booze, specifically a few "shots" the night
before will accomplish the same thing. However, there is
a more "rational" way to irritate your vocal cords (which
lowers the voice), and that is to talk a lot -- read out
loud for an hour or so, or howl like a wolf for 5 to 10
minutes... you get the idea. Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know an easy way to obtain that effect, to
be able to dub in a narrator with a deep voice. Is there
an easy way that you can obtain that deep tone, any
effects u can use on any program? I konw how to get it
onto the vdieo, but i don't know how to create such a
deep toned voice.