Nano Sim?

Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
I have just "upgraded" as o2 call it from a 12month to 30 day sim only contract.
Get the same calls/texts & data as before but for less money.
Now it's a 4G deal but i only have a 3G S3 Mini, so is that why i have a Nano Sim sent in the post?
Or do i have to use the nano sim in my S3 Mini now???

Be gentle with me V_R as you know i'm a bit of a fcukwit with mobiles!!:o
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Found the answer through o2's Guru online service so all is ok.
If a mod could delete the thread as it is now finished with.
Oh yes, sorry.:lol:
Nano Sim for if i was using it in a tablet or mobile device that fits the sim.
As it's a 4G package they send them out just in case, old sim is fine to use.
New sim only deal only saves £1 a month but is a 30 day contract.
Might starting looking around at better deals etc.
If you're free of a lengthy contract then my advice would be to shop around and haggle for a deal, the mobile networks are leaning over backwards to recruit customers.

I've been with Virgin a few years now, initial 24 month contract, now Sim only, monthly, 400 minutes, 2Gb web access and unlimited texts- for £6 a month.

I'm using an iPhone 4 which I bought off me mate a couple of years ago.