Naming Cell Range - format...?

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Penney
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David Penney

Hi all,

When naming a cell range - in the name what CANNOT be used...?

Can I name a range "Mech-33Data" ?
Without the "" of course.....


David Penney said:
Hi all,

When naming a cell range - in the name what CANNOT be used...?

Can I name a range "Mech-33Data" ?
Without the "" of course.....



I searched Help for "naming cells" and got to this:

Guidelines for naming cells, formulas, and constants in Microsoft Excel

· The first character of a name must be a letter or an underscore character.
Remaining characters in the name can be letters, numbers, periods, and
underscore characters.
· Names cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as Z$100 or R1C1.
· Spaces are not allowed. Underscore characters and periods may be used as
word separators ¾ for example, First.Quarter or Sales_Tax.
· A name can contain up to 255 characters.
· Names can contain uppercase and lowercase letters. Microsoft Excel does
not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters in names. For
example, if you have created the name Sales and then create another name
called SALES in the same workbook, the second name will replace the first
So you cannot use the name you suggested as it contains a minus sign.
Hi all,

When naming a cell range - in the name what CANNOT be used...?

Can I name a range "Mech-33Data" ?
Without the "" of course.....

Y'know, it never hurts to just try it and see what happens... but in
this case you'll find that no, it's not a valid name. (If you tried to
use that name in a formula, Excel would have no way of telling whether
the - represents part of the name or a minus sign.)

To be safe, it's easiest to just follow these rules:
- Start with a letter;
- Only use alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) character to
make up your name.