Tom said:
I'm about to setup a small business network with a windows 2003
server. What is the naming scheme that should be used. Is there a
basic name that can be used? Thanks, Tom
You can use whatever you like. I tend to be boring and use a combination of
names & numbers.
For example,
COMPANYS001, 002, 003 for servers
COMPANYW001, 002, 003 for workstations.
Some people prefer FLOWER, THUMPER, BAMBI.... KIRK, SPOCK, MCCOY ... but as
I said, I'm incredibly boring. Whatever you do, don't name workstations
after users. Users move, users quit, etc. You can always keep track of who
uses what in the description field in the AD computer object.
Don't use underscores or spaces...keep them simple, keep them short.