Buz Waitz
I'm a newbie. I've created a datalayer class which I creatively called
sqlAccess and placed in a namespace I just as creatively called
MyDomain.DataAccessLayer. (Well now, I didn't actually use "MyDomain" but
you know how that works.) And now I'm working on the business logic layer.
When I import the namespace, intellisense completes the name for me,
accurately, but then I get the squiggle of death that says, when I mouse
over it, "Namespace or type 'DataAcessLayer' for the Imports
'MyDomain.DataAccessLayer' cannot be found." And, sure enough, it does not
recognize the sqlAccess class/object either. What do I need to do? And if
you say to set up a reference to the dll, how do I do that? Please?
Thank you
sqlAccess and placed in a namespace I just as creatively called
MyDomain.DataAccessLayer. (Well now, I didn't actually use "MyDomain" but
you know how that works.) And now I'm working on the business logic layer.
When I import the namespace, intellisense completes the name for me,
accurately, but then I get the squiggle of death that says, when I mouse
over it, "Namespace or type 'DataAcessLayer' for the Imports
'MyDomain.DataAccessLayer' cannot be found." And, sure enough, it does not
recognize the sqlAccess class/object either. What do I need to do? And if
you say to set up a reference to the dll, how do I do that? Please?
Thank you