names were detected in this workbook



Hi Please help me to rectify the problem. I have excel file created in office
2003 when I open the file in 2007 it prompt for an error message "One or more
invalid names were detected in this workbook. Those invalid names have been
changed to #REF " and when the file open the chart is not displayed properly.
the file was open in compatibility mode. I tried also to save it in Excel
2007 but stil the chart is not displayed right. Please advice.

Shane Devenshire


See the response to your other post. Also, please don't cross post.


Hi Please help me to rectify the problem. I have excel file created in office
2003 when I open the file in 2007 it prompt for an error message "One or more
invalid names were detected in this workbook. Those invalid names have been
changed to #REF " and when the file open the chart is not displayed properly.
the file was open in compatibility mode. I tried also to save it in Excel
2007 but stil the chart is not displayed right. Please advice.

You have names in the old workbook that are not available to be used as
names in the newer 2k7.

You can either open the old worksheet in the old 2k3 office app and
change the names there, so you do not get the #ref error when you open it
in 2k7 or you can modify them in 2k7 name manager.

It would be better to change the invalid names in 2k3, I would think.

In 2k7 it is under the "Formulas" heading, under the "Defined Names"
toolbar (strip). Select the "Name manager" and examine and edit the names

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