Unfortunately no, this capability isn't built-into Messenger, contacts can set their display
names (or decide not to use any display name) as they wish.
However, by using a third-party addition called Messenger Plus! and using MSN Messenger 6,
you can add this functionality. To do so, install Messenger Plus from here: After installation, open up the main Messenger window, click the
Plus! menu, then Preferences, under Contact List, choose Custom Names. Please note that this
feature in Messenger Plus! *requires* MSN Messenger 6 and will not work in previous Messenger
versions. Also take note that if you do try this option, be sure to read through the
installer, as if you do not wish to install the sponsor program (ie. advertising) that goes
along with Plus!, be sure *not* to chose that option during the installation.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
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