I am using Access 97 and I have a query that splits a name field into First, Middle, and Last Name. The name field is in the following format:
Smith, John J.
The formulas I am using are as follows:
Last Name: Left([NAME],InStr(1,[NAME],",")-1)
First Name: Right(Trim([NAME]),Len(Trim([NAME]))-InStr(1,[NAME]," "))
MI: Right(Trim([NAME]),Len(Trim([NAME]))-InStr(InStr(1,[NAME]," ")+1,[NAME]," "))
The problems I am having are that the middle initial always shows in the First Name field and if the name has no middle initial then the whole name appears in the Middle Initial field. Here is an example:
Name Last Name First Name Middle Initial
------ ------------- ------------- -----------------
Smith, John J. Smith John J. J.
Doe, Jane Doe Jane Doe, Jane
Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.
Smith, John J.
The formulas I am using are as follows:
Last Name: Left([NAME],InStr(1,[NAME],",")-1)
First Name: Right(Trim([NAME]),Len(Trim([NAME]))-InStr(1,[NAME]," "))
MI: Right(Trim([NAME]),Len(Trim([NAME]))-InStr(InStr(1,[NAME]," ")+1,[NAME]," "))
The problems I am having are that the middle initial always shows in the First Name field and if the name has no middle initial then the whole name appears in the Middle Initial field. Here is an example:
Name Last Name First Name Middle Initial
------ ------------- ------------- -----------------
Smith, John J. Smith John J. J.
Doe, Jane Doe Jane Doe, Jane
Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.