Name Formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harddrive747
  • Start date Start date


I have created a spreadsheet with information from Access. I have the
information put in columns A-F. I have put in coumn G the percentage of
traffic based on the sum of all the data in column C.

Now what I want to be able to do is to create a name that will select the
rows that have the percentage greater than 0.5%. This way I can put them in
a chart.

Can I do this or do I have to create a macro to do this? I also would not
want to have the macro run each time that I open the file. So any help on
this would be greatly apprechatied.

With your from sheet named 'Sheet1' and your to sheet named 'Sheet2', try this:

Sub CopyToNewSheet()
Dim myrange, copyrange As Range
Set myrange = Range("G1:G100")
For Each c In myrange
If c.Value >= 0.5 Then
If copyrange Is Nothing Then
Set copyrange = c.EntireRow
Set copyrange = Union(copyrange, c.EntireRow)
End If

End If
Sheets("Sheet2").Select 'Change to suit
Cells(1, 1).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

Link the code to a button!!