I tried the formula you suggested...
got the same #name? error. could the issue be the space in the subform name
- Access created the name with the space...qry_Emp_TotalHrsWorked subform.
golfinray said:
To see if the problem is in your field name of the subform try this:
That should tell you if it is finding the field name.
Milton Purdy
State of Arkansas
Steve Stad said:
Golfinray - the format is/was blank in the sub form qry_Emp_TotalHrsWorked
subform for 'SumOfEmp_Act_Prod_Hrs'. After reading your reply I tried
changing the format in the subform to general number and standard number. I
also tried the "1920" - still getting the #name? error.
Are hours in units of time or text? If text your 1920's must be "1920"
Milton Purdy
State of Arkansas
Whats wrong with this expression in text box on main form reading value of
field [SumOfEmp_Act_Prod_Hrs] in subform named 'qry_Emp_TotalHrsWorked
subform' - it is getting #name? error
subform]![SumOfEmp_Act_Prod_Hrs]>1920,"EMP HOURS ARE GREATER THAN 1920","Emp
Product Hours Less Than 1920")