I've got an unbound text box on a form that is showing a #Name? error.
I can't figure what would cause that. Anyone?
I can't figure what would cause that. Anyone?
Grip said:I've got an unbound text box on a form that is showing a #Name? error.
I can't figure what would cause that. Anyone?
Dirk Goldgar said:What is the name of the control, and what is its Control Source?
What is the name of the control, and what is its Control Source?
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
Access tips:www.datagnostics.com/tips.html
(please reply to the newsgroup)
Grip said:The name is NewMembSince and the Control Source is completely empty. I
just made a new control and deleted the buggy one. Maybe there's
something wrong with my copy of Access...
Did you check to make sure the Control Source wasn't set to a space, as I
mentioned in my second reply? Or maybe something with a leading carriage
return/line feed, such that the second line is hidden?
I think either of those possibilities is more likely than that your copy of
Access is messed up, though that is also possible.
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
Access tips:www.datagnostics.com/tips.html
(please reply to the newsgroup)
Grip said:Yes, I tested those things. The Control Source is completely empty (null)
and the control says "Unbound". In fact, putting a space in the Control
Source removes the "Unbound" tag on the field.
I couldn't figure out how to put a carriage return in there.