I understand the need for n-tier architecture if an app is to be scaled-up
for server farm deployments. And I can also appreciate that separating UI
from business-logic from data-access is simply good design, if only from the
point-of-view of "encapsulation" and functional layering.
HOWEVER, I'm having a hard time justifying to our devl staff (many of who
are 20+ year veterans, like myself), why in a "desktop" app which will never
be deployed in a server-farm environment that we need to incur the overhead
of having separate physical layers (be they web services or remoting).
And more specifically, why develop in a "stateless" paradigm, in which on
every user interaction we instantiate the BL which instantiates the DAL? (as
Duwamish and other examples do).
Why not just have the "upper" layer instantiate the "lower" object ONCE and
then hold that instance reference? Again, I fully appreciate why a stateless
design is needed for server farms. But why incur the overhead of repeated
object instantiation/collection for a "desktop" app?
Or have we gotten to the point where the mere idea of a "logically layered
but physically monolithic" app is now heresy?
(BTW: is there a newsgroup that has a general but CONCRETE discussion of
n-tier practicality?)
for server farm deployments. And I can also appreciate that separating UI
from business-logic from data-access is simply good design, if only from the
point-of-view of "encapsulation" and functional layering.
HOWEVER, I'm having a hard time justifying to our devl staff (many of who
are 20+ year veterans, like myself), why in a "desktop" app which will never
be deployed in a server-farm environment that we need to incur the overhead
of having separate physical layers (be they web services or remoting).
And more specifically, why develop in a "stateless" paradigm, in which on
every user interaction we instantiate the BL which instantiates the DAL? (as
Duwamish and other examples do).
Why not just have the "upper" layer instantiate the "lower" object ONCE and
then hold that instance reference? Again, I fully appreciate why a stateless
design is needed for server farms. But why incur the overhead of repeated
object instantiation/collection for a "desktop" app?
Or have we gotten to the point where the mere idea of a "logically layered
but physically monolithic" app is now heresy?
(BTW: is there a newsgroup that has a general but CONCRETE discussion of
n-tier practicality?)