On my second try, a long and HIGHLY satisfying production in Photo Story 3!
Thank you, Microsoft! But... in my Videos folder I have ended up with TWO
black icons, one is called Photo Story 2_1 and the other simply Photo Story
2a. Running from the second, in WMP10, narration starts where I planned it,
on the 6th image. Running from 2_1 it starts on the first image and sound
sync is out for the rest of the show! In practice, no problem, but I'm
curious where the first file came from and what it means! Have I done
something wrong along the way? (And if someone could tell this newbie where
on my hard disk does my show go for its images? Is there a risk of losing
them, against which I can back up? The BAK files, maybe?)
Thank you, Microsoft! But... in my Videos folder I have ended up with TWO
black icons, one is called Photo Story 2_1 and the other simply Photo Story
2a. Running from the second, in WMP10, narration starts where I planned it,
on the 6th image. Running from 2_1 it starts on the first image and sound
sync is out for the rest of the show! In practice, no problem, but I'm
curious where the first file came from and what it means! Have I done
something wrong along the way? (And if someone could tell this newbie where
on my hard disk does my show go for its images? Is there a risk of losing
them, against which I can back up? The BAK files, maybe?)