won't update



Since March 9, the news, sports scores, and TV listings
on my Yahoo personal page have not changed. I've cleared
all cookies, temporary files, wiped the cache and it
still comes back the same way. I've tried removing parts
of the page and replacing them with other dated items and
the new items stop on March 9th as well. Yahoo sent me a
canned reply which simply states to do the things I've
already done. I have had others call me and tell me they
are having the same problem with the info stuck on their
system from the same date (3/9). Anyone else have this
problem? Is it an IE problem or maybe WinXP Pro? The
others with the problem are also running WinXP Pro.
Thanks for your input.


Mine is also stuck on March 9. I tried everything as well (cookies,
temp files, history, ...) - no luck. I have 2 PCs on my home network
connected through a hub, and they both experience the same thing.
Both are running XP. The strange thing is that I am running XP at
work, and My Yahoo page is updating fine there.

I rebooted my modem several times as well, reset my hub and rebooted
my PCs. Anyone else have this problem? Any resolution???


I am having the same problem as you. Interesting enough is my office
is fine and my home computer is stuck on March 9th. No idea how to
fix it yet.
I am running Win98SE, so it's not an xp problem. Let me know if you
find a solution. Thanks


Are we all using the same router? I have a Linksys BEFSR41 with
firmware version 1.45.7.


I'm having the same problem but am using a Netgear FVS318 router. I
am using Comcast Cable Internet. Anyone else having the problem and
using Comcast?

Separately I dialed up to earthlink and received current content.
Went back to comcast connection and old content appeared again. I'm



I have a Linksys NH1005. It's an older 5-port hub. Funny thing is,
the problem stopped tonight. When I got home from work, everything
was back to normal. Is everyone else still stuck on March 9?

Dick in Troy

Try power cycling your cable modem (pull its power plug for 30
seconds) and then restarting your PC. It worked for me . . . but I
have no idea why it fixed the problem or why the problem began on
March 9 for so many of us.

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