I feel better seeing a score of 10105 than 8275! How does it feel with
games in general compared to what you had before?
The biggest win was Far Cry. With my 5600u, many scenes were
a slide show. My timedemo went from 11.8 to 58.5, I am VERY impressed.
The 12 pipelines must
Not only that, but actually, I need still more vid card!
You see, I also upgraded to the Apple 23" Cinema HD LCD
display that is 1900x1200 res. In Ut2004 and Call of Duty,
I run at 1900x1200 and it's smooth as can be. I average
100 fps in CoD, never goes below 60. Same with UT2004.
But, Far Cry is another story. At 1280x768, it's amazingly smooth,
around 90 fps all the time. At 1900x1200, I'm getting
40+ fps, but I feel a definite lag in mouse response. Playable,
but doesn't feel crisp like 1280x768. So, I figure I'll need
the x800xt for Far Cry.
I can get a full refund until June 26, hopefully the xt will be out by then.
BTW, the image quality on this monitor playing Far CRy is breathtaking,
it's like a different game.
Jeff B