here's the story of what has happened so far. I was working on m
computer when it just urned off and wouldn't start up again. I figure
it was my hard drive, and thought i'd lost everything, turns out it wa
the motherboard.. anyway, got the computerback and decided it would be
good idea to have two hard drives, so that i could back up my stuff
Whilst reinstalling wndows xp from the cd, my mate started to instal
it on the drive that had all my stuff on and not the new drive, it wa
only around 5 seconds before i realised that it looked like it wa
formating my drive. So i panicked and turned the computer off.
reinstalled windows on the other drive no problem, however, once
tried to access the data on my other drive (D
it stated that it wa
not formatted and did i want to do it now?
I got a hold of a program called recover my files, and once it had don
a search all of my previous files were listed, with the right file
sizes etc, so i went to save all the files to my (C
drive, and it di
that also, but when i went to look at them, every single one was 1kb i
size and useless!!
I know that these files are recoverable because when recover my file
shows a list of them after the search, if you click on one of th
photos, you get a preview and the photos look fine, but wen i try t
save them, the same thing happens and I end up with a file of 1Kb,
can someone please help!?
here's the story of what has happened so far. I was working on m
computer when it just urned off and wouldn't start up again. I figure
it was my hard drive, and thought i'd lost everything, turns out it wa
the motherboard.. anyway, got the computerback and decided it would be
good idea to have two hard drives, so that i could back up my stuff
Whilst reinstalling wndows xp from the cd, my mate started to instal
it on the drive that had all my stuff on and not the new drive, it wa
only around 5 seconds before i realised that it looked like it wa
formating my drive. So i panicked and turned the computer off.
reinstalled windows on the other drive no problem, however, once
tried to access the data on my other drive (D

not formatted and did i want to do it now?
I got a hold of a program called recover my files, and once it had don
a search all of my previous files were listed, with the right file
sizes etc, so i went to save all the files to my (C

that also, but when i went to look at them, every single one was 1kb i
size and useless!!
I know that these files are recoverable because when recover my file
shows a list of them after the search, if you click on one of th
photos, you get a preview and the photos look fine, but wen i try t
save them, the same thing happens and I end up with a file of 1Kb,
can someone please help!?