My Windows mail won't delete messages from my in-box

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I get the message: > kan ikke slette min post får beskeden " Der er opstået
en ukendt fejl "
Please helt me
Har forsøgt metoden efter "brink" uden resultat. Får også meddelelsen, at de
uønskede mails ikke kan læses.

Er der hjælop at hente?

Munter hilsen

Har I fået løst jeres problem med slettet post, der ikke kan slettes?

Munter hilsen

Finn John
Brink! I will try in English. I could not remove the "Deleted mes." The same
mes. could not be readen anyway. I tried with "Edit" and then "Remove" and
here I could remove one by one.
In the meantime I have made some updates (the PC is only 4 days old) and
today everythink is working ok. I can delete one by one, or mark a group of
mails and delete them.
Thank You for Your help.
Er der nogen der har fundet en mirakelkur mod dette irriterende problem ? Jeg
har pt 8 mails, jeg ikke kan slette.
Overvejer endda at afinstallere Vista og få det gode gamle XP tilbage.
Er der nogen der har fundet en mirakelkur mod dette irriterende problem ? Jeg
har pt 8 mails, jeg ikke kan slette.

Fandt denne løsning i en anden tråd:

If you are not willing to just ignore them, the only way is to delete both
copies of the database (which does not contain the messages, but only
references to them) and let WinMail rebuild it.
First close WinMail, then use Task Manager to make sure there are no
instances of it under applications or processes.
Then click Start | Search | Advanced Search
Check the box to include non-indexed, hidden and system files.
In the Name field type WindowsMail.MSMessageStore and click the Search
It should show you two copies. Delete both of them and re-open WinMail.
Haj Magnus.

Vil/kan du oversætte til dansk ?

Magnus said:
Fandt denne løsning i en anden tråd:

If you are not willing to just ignore them, the only way is to delete both
copies of the database (which does not contain the messages, but only
references to them) and let WinMail rebuild it.
First close WinMail, then use Task Manager to make sure there are no
instances of it under applications or processes.
Then click Start | Search | Advanced Search
Check the box to include non-indexed, hidden and system files.
In the Name field type WindowsMail.MSMessageStore and click the Search
It should show you two copies. Delete both of them and re-open WinMail.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Det virkede for mig...
Karina said:
Er der nogen der har fundet en mirakelkur mod dette irriterende problem ? Jeg
har pt 8 mails, jeg ikke kan slette.
Overvejer endda at afinstallere Vista og få det gode gamle XP tilbage.
Jeg får den samme besked. Min post ligger bare i udbakke og gør at jeg ikke
kan sende post fra den. Har aldrig haft disse problemer før. Skyldes det
vista ? PÃ¥ supportafdelingen hos microsoft siger de at jeg skal tage back-up
på det hele og så kan den måske slettes. Det er sgu da for dårligt på en hel
ny computer. Fik du løst dit problem?