My website : Opinions please.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Swan
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John Swan

Please, I have just created this site and am wondering what your opinion is
from both professionals and amatures or the curious alike.

Any opinions?

Remove 123 from email address to reply.
Anti spam and virus measure.
The site is fine. Your netiquette needs some work. You've cross-posted this
to about 10 different newsgroups.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
To a tea you esteem
a hurting back as a wallet.
Aside from the fact that you SPAMMED a large swath of newsgroups, your
spelling is atrocious and your grasp of English grammar is exceeded by all
but the dullest of seven-year-old children.

You might want to work on your spamming and DHTML. Your horizontal
navigation was all screwed up when I loaded the page.
John said:
Please, I have just created this site and am wondering what your opinion is
from both professionals and amatures or the curious alike.

Spam report id 1669078174 sent to: (e-mail address removed)
Spam report id 1669078179 sent to: (e-mail address removed)
Spam report id 1669078188 sent to: (e-mail address removed)


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? .... I know not what course others may take, but as
for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -Patrick Henry
What browser are you using?

I have tested this on ie and mozilla and found it to be ok.
However, I cant possibly test all versions of the different browsers.

John - Outside of all the other "positive" feedback you have received.... I
don't see a problem with 8 posts..... so long as it's a cross post and not a

Think about having the main body area a fixed size and then add vscroll if
needed ( The inventory tab has an example of how I did it. To
me, when you click through your pages, the page jumps... Darken up the
"let's develop" banner. It's hard to read. Consider removing the contact
info off the footer and on to a contact us page. Much cleaner. Add
content; the home networking page is the best. It has both text and
pictures. Check for proper English and American. I would imagine your
audience is English and not American... Good luck..

Then why would you post it in so many inappropriate newsgroups, and not one
of them a web design newsgroup?
Thank you.

A few people have mentioned darkening some parts of the text.
I agree, I like the home networking page, it feels just right.

Thanks for the link.

I'm not spamming. I want your opinion. How else could I get a third party
But thanks for the complete over reaction. Good work.
j.a.swan123 said:
I'm not spamming. I want your opinion. How else could I get a third party

Posting of commercial websites that are IT based, are almost always
considered spam.

While you may not fee the same way, your website is based around IT
Support, and you spammed groups having nothing to do with website
design, so it really looks like spam.
I wanted an opinion about everything, including the words used.
I have included lots of contact information and it wasn't like I was trying
to hide.

I just wanted an opinion not an argument and feel there was a slight over
A simple, "This is not appropriate" would have sufficed rather than trying
to destroy something before it has begun. Hence the tetchy post.

I would agree that this would not be the best place to ask this question but
as I say, I like these groups and have used them in the past.
I am not spamming, merely asking a question. I should have made that more
clear in the subject for which I am sorry.

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Then why would you post it in so many inappropriate newsgroups, and not
one of them a web design newsgroup?

John Swan said:
I'm not spamming. I want your opinion. How else could I get a third party
But thanks for the complete over reaction. Good work.
John said:
I'm not spamming.

Yes, you are. You advertised a contentless website that was clearly
designed to provide no useful information; all it does is advise people
to contact your business. Only if you had included the link to your web
site in a post responding to a specific question, and if your web site
had actually had a potential solution (something beyond "Call me.") to
that question, would it not be spam.

I want your opinion.

And now you have it, although I should have thought that my initial
response would have given you a clue.

How else could I get a third party

By posting in an appropriate web design newsgroup (all of which you
carefully avoided), or by including a link to the site in the signature
you append to real responses that you make to peoples' problems.

But thanks for the complete over reaction.

Has anyone *not* told you that the post was Usenet spam? Then I don't
think I over-reacted, at all.

Good work.

Thank you.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? .... I know not what course others may take, but as
for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -Patrick Henry
John said:
Please, I have just created this site and am wondering what your opinion is
from both professionals and amatures or the curious alike.

Any opinions?
Fixed width, link boxes wrap, you put your email address in plain and in
the link! Whoever told you that grey text on white was a good idea?


Only if you had included the link to your web
site in a post responding to a specific question, and if your web site had
actually had a potential solution (something beyond "Call me.") to that
question, would it not be spam.

I agree with that. However, my question was: Do you like my website. Or.
Call me nuts. What is your opinion on my website? Which is a question. If I
had posted a reply to a conventional post, it would not give me any feedback
on the website.

I was asking if you liked the style, content of the website. You as a normal
human being.
You, who have used the internet in the past.
I also made it clear in the subject what the objections were. There (as you
say) lots of contact information about my business.
But, instead of you contacting me. You contacted my hosting firm. Why? Well,
I dont know.

Why don't you do the same for the post:

From: "d¨l" <[email protected]>
Subject: Animals in China
Message-ID: <eGk7Cz#[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 03:35:24 -0800

Or this one:

From: Israel O.G.A. Fagbemi<[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework
Subject: Invest $5,000. Get Back $80,600.00 . Get your share of the pie
X-Newsreader: BNews2004v20
Content-Type: text/html
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

THIS IS SPAMMING!!!!!!! To name a few. I wanted a genuine opinion and that
is what I asked for in the subject.

You can believe what you want. I have asked for some opinions and have some
positive feedback which I will implement to improve the site. Which, was the
whole intention.

Thanks for all of the people who left feed back. I will make the changes

Thanks for your time.
Your website looks like is has a good start. A few things I would do

The 'Let's develop Communications" should be more visible (less
'watermarky'). The various places you can go to via the links are good, but
upon going to these you need to give them a way to communicate back to you
other than email (a form page would be nice). Also, you might work a bit on
the wording. There is a page where you say:

"For more information why not contact us for a more in-depth discussion. "

This is a bit cumbersome. And don't use the phrasing 'why not'. See how much
better this sentence reads without that phrase:

"For more information, contact us. "

with (as you already have it) the 'contact' being a link. Finally, every
page should have an OBVIOUS way to get back to the home page (yes, I know
clicking the logo does this, but that's not obvious to everyone).
