My Videos Folder.

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In WMM, is it possible to change the location of the "My Videos" folder from
the "My Documents" folder to another of my choice?

Failing this, can I change the default folder that WMV Project files are
saved in?

Thanks in advance.
No, but you don't need to use the folder.... use any other one you want to
store source files, projects, saved movies, and the temp files that Movie
Maker uses.
Hi, Gord,

I tried that and it did the job perfectly. However, the "Narration" folder
stays behind. Tweak does suggest an alternative method for folders containing
data, though. I'll try that way too. Many thanks.
Hi there, PapaJohn,

Thank you for that.

I can setup the new default paths manually in WMM for all those folders
except "My Videos". When I click "Save Project As" in WMM I want it to
default to a "My Videos" folder in the new location.