James W. Long
Dear Microsoft:
1. Easier to install overall but took 4 hours.
2. Control over display properties is now much more difficult
than it ever was under windows 95, 98 me, nt 200 and xp.
I really think you should re-examine putting it back the way it was.
3. Control over networking and file sharing is now much more
difficult and unclear than it ever was under under
windows 95, 98 me, nt 200 and xp.It is especially ambiguous
to make file sharing active. I think you should re-examine putting it
back the way it was.
4. The xml or whatever it is GUI is nice but not particularly easier. I had
look for the "old" controls to really get anything configured or done.
5. Everything is basicly present (almost) and some new things were added
but overall, not a big improvement over win2k or xp pro.
6. If this is a beta it is too slow. yes I DO understand debug code and
extra processess are present, but I should NOT have to run my
UNOBTANIUM to its MAX to run this slow beta.
7. I was not impressed. I unplugged that drive and put my original system
drive back in.
8. When will java security and activeX security be addressed? When will
windows be secure?
9. I bet you a thousand dollars it does not clean up after itself. As long
as files can build
up inside windows temp folders and profile temp folders and profile temp
internet folders,
and elsewhere unchecked, this will continue to be a major problem for all
Microsoft OS owners.
10. When will the OS keep the drive defragged automatically with no
interaction or need for user
12. You should concentrate on fixing these crittical areas before you go and
customize the gui to your own liking,
making it more difficult to find what we already know how to do.
13. Why change the file system, Documents and Settings to Users? Just
exactly what is the point? There is no
argument you can possibly make tht makes more sense than leaving it
14. You all could have learned something from my Grandfather. If It aint
broke, dont fix it, he said.
15 Now you will have to debug a bunch of new stuff which used to work fine,
and it obvoius you can't make
your new interface "DO" what the old one(s) already could. In my world,
we call this
A. Make-Work
B. Wasteful.
C. Thoughtless.
James W. Long.
1. Easier to install overall but took 4 hours.
2. Control over display properties is now much more difficult
than it ever was under windows 95, 98 me, nt 200 and xp.
I really think you should re-examine putting it back the way it was.
3. Control over networking and file sharing is now much more
difficult and unclear than it ever was under under
windows 95, 98 me, nt 200 and xp.It is especially ambiguous
to make file sharing active. I think you should re-examine putting it
back the way it was.
4. The xml or whatever it is GUI is nice but not particularly easier. I had
look for the "old" controls to really get anything configured or done.
5. Everything is basicly present (almost) and some new things were added
but overall, not a big improvement over win2k or xp pro.
6. If this is a beta it is too slow. yes I DO understand debug code and
extra processess are present, but I should NOT have to run my
UNOBTANIUM to its MAX to run this slow beta.
7. I was not impressed. I unplugged that drive and put my original system
drive back in.
8. When will java security and activeX security be addressed? When will
windows be secure?
9. I bet you a thousand dollars it does not clean up after itself. As long
as files can build
up inside windows temp folders and profile temp folders and profile temp
internet folders,
and elsewhere unchecked, this will continue to be a major problem for all
Microsoft OS owners.
10. When will the OS keep the drive defragged automatically with no
interaction or need for user
12. You should concentrate on fixing these crittical areas before you go and
customize the gui to your own liking,
making it more difficult to find what we already know how to do.
13. Why change the file system, Documents and Settings to Users? Just
exactly what is the point? There is no
argument you can possibly make tht makes more sense than leaving it
14. You all could have learned something from my Grandfather. If It aint
broke, dont fix it, he said.
15 Now you will have to debug a bunch of new stuff which used to work fine,
and it obvoius you can't make
your new interface "DO" what the old one(s) already could. In my world,
we call this
A. Make-Work
B. Wasteful.
C. Thoughtless.
James W. Long.