My text boxes won't work! Help!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mstodd
  • Start date Start date


I have four unbound text boxes on my switchboard that I am using for search
criteria for macros that I've made. However, when I view my switchboard in
form view, it won't allow me to type any text in the boxes. I tried using a
combo box to use as a search box, but in form view it won't allow me to
select anything from the combo box! Is this because it's a switchboard form
instead of a regular form maybe??

I can't figure this out and have been scouring the internet for an hour now :(
By unbound, you mean that the Control Source property is blank for all of
the textboxes, right?

Is the form's Allow Edits property set to Yes? It needs to be if you're
going to type into those textboxes.