My taskbar won't change to the rounded XP look.



I used Stardocks Object bar to get a few new themes and decided to not use it
and uninstalled it-it took my WindowsXp theme as well leaving me with only
the Classic look for my taskbar. The start menu is fine, but there is no
options for the siler or olive rounded taskbar look. Any way to restore them?


I may have explained the problem wrong...when I try to change the look from
Classic to WindowsXP everything works fine...except for the taskar at the
bottom itself. There is no option change it from Classic to
WindowsXP. it is always the little hard edged Start button regardless of
what theme is applied. I hope someone can help me.


Jim said:
I may have explained the problem wrong...when I try to change the look
from Classic to WindowsXP everything works fine...except for the
taskar at the bottom itself. There is no option
change it from Classic to
WindowsXP. it is always the little hard edged Start button regardless
what theme is applied. I hope someone can help me.

It sounds like you have some of the eye candy options turned off. Go to
the System applet in Control Panel and click the Advanced tab. Now
click the button that pertains to Performance. You'll see a lot of
choices for options you can turn off individually, along with "let
Windows choose", etc. To start with, click the radio button for
adjustment for Best Appearance. Apply and OK out.



Sorry Mike that's not the problem...they were all turned on. I think
Stardock 'took' the files I needed when it got uninstalled. Any chances
anyone knows how to restore those taskbar files? I'd hate to format just
because my tskbar is the old type lol.

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