It could be that you have inadvertently selected "debugging mode" as an automatic
start-up option.
To see if this is the case, and to amend this, type the following into the "Run" box
on the "Start Menu" :
msconfig.exe open the "System Configuration Utility".
In the program, turn to the "BOOT.INI" tab (across the top) and click on the "default
operating system" in the top window (it will automatically select the default OS if
you click on the "default=..." line at the top).
Then click on the "Advanced Options..." button.
Is the box marked "Debug" checked ?
If so, de-select [clear] it
Be sure to click on the [ok] button to close the "Advanced Options..." box and again
the [ok] button to exit the program, so that you save your changes.
This should cure you of always starting in "Debug mode".
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.