My solution to Error 3155

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark A. Sam
  • Start date Start date

Mark A. Sam

Recently I had a revival of Error 3155- ODBC--insert on a linked table
'<Some Table Name>' Failed. After spending much time with this I had come
to the conclusion that Identity Insert was on for the particular table and I
had tried to turn it off using both a Stored Procedure through Enterprise
Manager as well as a Pass-Through query in in my VBA code.

The stored procedure looked like this:


The Pass-Through query looked like this:
set identity_insert [Order Entry ST Materials] off

with the Return Records Property set to off to avoid a message in VBA when
you open the query

DoCmd.OpenQuery "OrderEntryMatSetOff"
That theer query won't return records.

I posted the above becuase I think that Identity Insert (I'm not sure if the
terminology is correct) for my partricular table is set to On and that it
won't go off. As far as I know, Identity Insert On means that you are able
to insert a value into the Identity Column which is like a Autonumber field
in Access. Also as far as I know, only one table at a time can have it
turned On.

Since (to the best of my knowledge) I couldn't turn the Identity Insert on
the table to off (I tried turning it On to a test table) I assigned a value
to the Identity Column. The method is below in line 2 of the code Snippet.

rsOrdMat![sqlID] = NEXTprodMatsqlID ,<------------------ This is the
rsOrdMat![prodmatType] = rsCustMat![prodmatType]
rsOrdMat![prodmatDesc] = rsCustMat![Description]
rsOrdMat![prodmatNotes] = rsCustMat![prodmatNotes]
rsOrdMat![invID] = rsCustMat![prodmatDesc] 'rsCustMat![ProdmatDesc] is not
the [InvID] Number
rsOrdMat![ordDetID] = [ordDetID]
rsOrdMat![Posted] = True 'Marks as being posted from Customer Profile
If IsNull(rsCustMat![Mat Price]) Or rsCustMat![Mat Price] = "" Then
rsOrdMat![prodMatUnitCost] = 0
rsOrdMat![prodMatUnitCost] = rsCustMat![Mat Price]
End If
If IsNull(rsCustMat![Mat Shipping Cost]) Or rsCustMat![Mat Shipping Cost] =
"" Then
rsOrdMat![prodMatShipCost] = 0
rsOrdMat![prodMatShipCost] = rsCustMat![Mat Shipping Cost]
End If

rsOrdMat.Update 'ODBC Error occurs here

The line
rsOrdMat![sqlID] = NEXTprodMatsqlID

solved it where [sqlID] is the Identity Column for the table and
NEXTprodMatsqlID us a function to obtain the next incremented value of


If you are interested, the function, NEXTprodMatsqlID, looks like this:

Public Function NEXTprodMatsqlID() As Long

NEXTprodMatsqlID = DLookup("[currentid]", "MaxProdMatsqlID") + 1

End Function

Where MaxProdMatsqlID is a stored query that looks like this:

SELECT Max([Order Entry ST Materials].sqlID) AS CurrentID
FROM [Order Entry ST Materials];

I ran into this problem 2-1/2 years ago on the same procedure but addressing
a different table. If search with the terms,

turn off "Identity Insert" SQL Server Error 3155

In Google, you will see a thread entitled Insert Failed. That is a copy of
my post of this problem at the time. Near the end of the thread, I stated
that the problem was cleared up, and it was until a couple of months ago
when according to my client, it suddenly popped up. I hadn't touched the
application since that time, and niether had anyone else. The solution
above was incorporated then remmed out for another one, but I have no idea
what it was. I think it involved relinking the tables, but that didn't work
in my current situation.

I hope this helps anyone encountering Error 3155. This error has been
around since at least 1999, and doesn't seem to have been addressed by

"Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!!" Gomer Pyle USMC. ;)

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam