Following is the SQL and a little other information on the 2 queries
analysis. The tables are fairly simple. I don't know what information I
can give on them. Following the Query is some information on the Customners
- the largest table. I noticed I made an update to the Billing Customer
Query on Nov. 8. That is the last update that works. I believe all I did
was change the date in a text field from "2009" to "2010". If that is all I
did, it shouldn't have caused a problem.
Query: Monthly Billing Query Page: 1
DateCreated: 12/26/2003 3:10:25 PM DefaultView: 2
FilterOnLoad: False GUID: {guid {25CB069A-1EBF-455B-
LastUpdated: 11/9/2008 11:31:12 AM MaxRecords: 0
ODBCTimeout: 60 OrderByOn: False
OrderByOnLoad: True Orientation: Left-to-Right
RecordLocks: No Locks RecordsAffected: 0
RecordsetType: Dynaset ReturnsRecords: True
TotalsRow: False Type: 0
Updatable: True
SELECT Customers.[Customer ID], Customers.CompanyName, Customers.Prefix,
Customers.ContactFirstName, Customers.Title, Customers.[Social Names],
Customers.[Billing Address], Customers.City, Customers.State,Customers.[Zip
Code], [Sales Tax Rate].County, "System Location: " & Trim([System Address])
& "." AS SystemLocation, Customers.[System Address], Customers.CityS,
Customers.[State S], Customers.[Zip Code S], [Type of Service].[Type of
Service], Format([Anniversary Month],"mmmm-dd") & ", 2010." AS
Anniversary,[Monitoring Price].[Payment Period], [Monitoring Price].[Monthly
Payment], [Sales Tax Rate].[Tax Rate],Trim([Prefix]) & " " &
Trim([ContactFirstName]) & " " & Trim([ContactLastName]) AS NameFull,
Trim([City])& ", " & Trim([State]) & " " & [Zip Code] AS AddressFull, "$ " &
Trim([Monthly Payment]) & " per month, paid annually." AS Monthly, [Monthly
Payment]*12 AS [Annual Monitoring], Format([Annual
Monitoring]*[Tax Rate],"$#,###.00") AS [Monitoring Tax], [Annual
Monitoring]+[Monitoring Tax] AS [Monitoring Total], Format([Anniversary
Month],"mmmm") AS [Monitoring Renewal], [Monitoring Price].[Monitoring ID],
[Rate Structure].[Rate/Hour], Format([Billing Invoices]![Invoice Date],"yy")
& Trim([Billing Invoices]![Invoice Number]) AS [Invoice No], [Billing
Invoices].[Invoice Date], [Temporary Value Holder].Month,TemporaryHolder
Customer ID]![Customer ID] AS CustomerFROM [Temporary Value Holder],
[Temporary Holder Customer ID], [Rate Structure] INNER JOIN ((([Type
ofService] INNER JOIN ([Sales Tax Rate] INNER JOIN Customers ON ([Sales Tax
Rate].Counties = Customers.Counties) AND ([Sales Tax Rate].Counties =
Customers.Counties)) ON ([Type of Service].[ServiceID] = Customers.[Service
ID]) AND ([Type of Service].[Service ID] = Customers.[Service ID])) INNER
JOIN[Monitoring Price] ON Customers.[Monitoring ID] = [Monitoring
Price].[Monitoring ID]) INNER JOIN [Billing Invoices] ON Customers.[Customer
ID] = [Billing Invoices].[Customer ID]) ON [Rate Structure].[Rate ID] =
Customers.[Rate ID]ORDER BY [Billing Invoices].[Invoice Date] DESC;
Query: Payments Received Query
Page: 1
DateCreated: 1/14/2004 12:53:58 DefaultView:
LastUpdated: 3/16/2004 10:31:34 MaxRecords:
ODBCTimeout: 60 OrderByOn:
Orientation: Left-to-Right RecordLocks:
No Locks
RecordsAffected: 0 RecordsetType:
ReturnsRecords: True Type:
Updatable: True
SELECT [Payments Received].[Posting No], [Payments
Received].[Customer ID],[Monthly Billing Query].CompanyName, [Monthly Billing
Query].NameFull,[Payments Received].[Payment Date], [Payments
Received].[Payment Amount],[Payments Received].[Check No], [Payments
Received].[Method of Payment],[Payments Received].Comments, [Monthly Billing
Query].ContactFirstName,[Payments Received].[Posting No] FROM
[Payments Received] INNER JOIN [Monthly Billing Query] ON [Payments
Received].[Customer ID] = [Monthly Billing Query].[Customer ID]
Table: Customers Page: 1
DateCreated: 8/18/2003 4:21:33 PM DefaultView: 2
LastUpdated: 12/21/2008 11:57:30 AM OrderByOn: False
Orientation: Left-to-Right RecordCount: 98
Updatable: True
Name Type Size
Customer ID Text 6
CompanyName Text 50
Prefix Text 10
ContactFirstName Text 30
Middle Initial Text 2
ContactLastName Text 50
Title Text 20
Social Names Text 23
Billing Address Text 125
City Text 30
State Text 14
Zip Code Text 20
Counties Text 12
System Address Text 125
CityS Text 30
State S Text 14
Zip Code S Text 20
Special Billing Yes/No 1
System Phone Text 30
Phone No 2 Text 30
Extension Text 8
Note Phone Text 30
MobilePhone Text 30
Alternate Phone Text 30
Alt Phone Note Text 30
FaxNumber Text 30
EmailAddress Text 30
Anniversary Month Date/Time 8
Account No Text 9
Monitoring ID Text 6
Equipment ID Text 8
Service ID Text 8
Rate ID Text 3
Notes Text 125
C:\Users\Kenneth Freer\Documents\MS Access\Security Electronics\SEC Sunday,
December 21, 2008
Table: Customers Page: 2
Equipment Customers
Equipment ID 1 ï‚¥ Equipment ID
Attributes: Enforced
RelationshipType: One-To-Many
Monitoring PriceCustomers
Monitoring Price Customers
Monitoring ID Monitoring ID
Attributes: Not Enforced
RelationshipType: One-To-Many
Rate StructureCustomers
Rate Structure Customers
Rate ID 1 ï‚¥ Rate ID
Attributes: Enforced, Cascade Updates, Cascade Deletes
RelationshipType: One-To-Many
Type of ServiceCustomers
Type of Service Customers
Service ID Service ID
Attributes: Not Enforced
RelationshipType: One-To-Many
Sales Tax RateCustomers
Sales Tax Rate Customers
Counties Counties
Attributes: Not Enforced
RelationshipType: One-To-Many
Type of ServiceCustomers
Type of Service Customers
Service ID Service ID
Attributes: Not Enforced
RelationshipType: One-To-Many
Thanks. (I hope this isn't too much information.)