My PS3 died :( :( :( :(


Cookie Monster
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I was just watching a series off the hard drive of my PS3 on the sofa with the missus when my PS3 just instantly died. 1st I thought the hard drive had just given up, luckily I had a spare so i changed it over and still no joy :(. When I turned the PS3 on the light would go green for a quick second, then just beep like mad and the light would just be blinking red and do nothing. I tried the max fan trick by turning the PS3 off at the mains, hold the eject button down then turn the mains back on and let the fan clean itself out but it was clean and the PS3 was still fubar.

I'm in the middle of trying a fix I found on youtube, long winded but could save me a couple hundred quid.

Heres the guide I'm following, I'll shout you a holla when I'm done to see if it worked for me.
Gutting :(. I guess it's well out of warranty?

It looks like there's lots of guides out there for fixing PS3 problems like this, so may be worth reading up on a few more. Fingers crossed!
Oh well guess it wasn't just the XBOX 360 then with the red ring of death, PS3 with the red blinking light of death too!

Sorry to hear that hope you get it fixed!
Sorry to hear that, that's the first time I've ever heard of a PS3 biting the dust.
I'm going to put it in the shear tomorrow at work, should chop it in half lovely with 600 ton of force :p. I'm not too bothered, its 5 years old and has had a few thousand hours of enjoyment out of it. I wont be buying another as I've barely played a game on it in the last 12 months or so.

I've read up on a lot of PS3's biting the dust through the infamous YLOD (yellow light of death), but I must have 20+ friends who own PS3's (some older than mine) and they've been fine, not like the Xbox RROD (red ring of death) I only know 5 or 6 people with Xbox's and they've all had AT LEAST 2 Xbox's die through RROD! I had an Xbox for around 6 month and it happened to me, my brother is an Xbox fanboy and has gone through 3.
Tough luck there mate. At least it gave you a good run for your money.An you have a decent pc to game on anyway. :cool: