If I click on START> MY PICTURES-I do not get the window with showing -
instead I only get a list of URLs beside where I clicked on my
pictures in the start menu. How do I make the My Pictures window
appear with the images.
You previously said you were getting a list in a window. Which is it, a
window or another column popping up to the right of the start menu? If
it's a window PLEASE respond with the COMPLETE text content of the title
bar at the top of that window. If a window appears when you click "My
Pictures" does it have a menu bar?
You keep mentioning URLs. URLs usually start with protocol
specifications like "http:" or "https:" (look for the colon). URLs for
pages or images on web sites offten include "www." and/or slashes. Do
the items on your list include any of these character sequences?
Depending on your Windows OS settings the FILES listed in a Windows
Explorer window MIGHT have a three letter file extension at the end
after a period. The most common file extension for digital photographs
is ".jpg". Does the listing on your screen after you click "My
Pictures"show any file extensions? Do the items in the list include
slash or backslash characters? Does each line start with a little
application icon? Are there column headings like "Name", Size" or "Type"
at the top of the list? Does the list include a column that look like dates?
Since clicking "My Pictures" normally doesn't bring ip anything that can
list URLs, I'm concerned that you've read that term somewhere and are
mis-applying that term to the file names in a Windows Explorer window
set to "Details" or "List" view. IF the type of view is changed by the
user, Windows ussualy (but not always) remembers that view setting the
next time you open or explore that folder.
Please RIGHT CLICK "My Computer" on the second column of the start menu.
Click "Explore" in the resu;ting context menu. Is there a "My Documents"
listed in the left window pane? If so, click the little plus sign to the
left of it. New items should appear between "My Documents" and "My
Computer" AND the plus sign next to "My Documents" should turn into a
minus sign. One of those items will normally be a duplicate "My
Pictures" (Windows tends to have duplicate ways of getting to the same
place). Clicking the TEXT of this "My Pictures" should result in a
listing of that folder's contents appearing in the right pane of the
Windows Explorer window. As I previously indicated the precense of
thumbnails can be turned on and off with the "View" column of the menu
OR the View drop down on the tool bar (an icon that looks like a little
window is next to it).