my pc want boot from the hard drive, also my CDROM does not work

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patricia
  • Start date Start date


Someone please help!! My CDROM player got slower and slower then stopped
altogether, what makes matters worse is that when I 'boot up'/re-start etc I
am asked for a CD for boot up? I then have to press 'control/alt/delete' and
then the pc boots from the hard disk, I have been into the set up and the
'boot from' list always defaults to the 'CDROM' as the first boot device, I
keep changing it but it defaults back to the CDROM. I also have various
files missing and I am unable to install printers etc from internet driver
software downloads ie, I am asked for a file eg, 'usbscan' file is
missing.... I also have various files in file lists which are 'greyed out' -
when I look at the properties of the file they usually have the 'hidden' box
ticked, I untick the box and everything is ok but later it all defaults back
to 'hidden', and why do some of my files in various file lists show up in
'blue' text? I have tried absolutely everything and now hope that someone out
there can solve my problems. Incidentally I have recently paid over £100 for
the repair of my PC - apparently the PC was fine - the problem was the
monitor! I cannot really afford to pay more money for the repair of my
current problems. Regards -
Patricia said:
Someone please help!! My CDROM player got slower and slower then stopped
altogether, what makes matters worse is that when I 'boot up'/re-start etc
am asked for a CD for boot up? I then have to press 'control/alt/delete'
then the pc boots from the hard disk, I have been into the set up and the
'boot from' list always defaults to the 'CDROM' as the first boot device,
keep changing it but it defaults back to the CDROM. I also have various
files missing and I am unable to install printers etc from internet driver
software downloads ie, I am asked for a file eg, 'usbscan' file is
missing.... I also have various files in file lists which are 'greyed
out' -
when I look at the properties of the file they usually have the 'hidden'
ticked, I untick the box and everything is ok but later it all defaults
to 'hidden', and why do some of my files in various file lists show up in
'blue' text? I have tried absolutely everything and now hope that someone
there can solve my problems. Incidentally I have recently paid over £100
the repair of my PC - apparently the PC was fine - the problem was the
monitor! I cannot really afford to pay more money for the repair of my
current problems. Regards -

As you appear to be having Operating System (OS) issues, you need to seek
help in a discussion group or forum that supports your OS. This group is for
the Microsoft relational database product, Access. As you don't mention what
OS you are using, I can provide you only general guidance on the assumption
that you are using some version of Windows.

If you are using Windows Vista or earlier:

In the tree on the left, open English, then open Windows. In the Windows
subcategory, find and open the subcategory for *your* version of Windows.
Find a group there
for your question.

If you are using Windows 7: