My New House!

No way is that worth 105m, you could get several much bigger/nicer places for a fraction of that amount of money outside of London.

I know what i'd rather do.
You could by a few nicer houses outside of London just with the stamp duty...:lol:
Let's be honest here - if I had the money I'd buy it, fabulous house, great location, most excellent for parties and you could play your music as loud as you like. Superb ;)

Sometimes I wonder what sort of people actually view the Daily Mail website or, indeed, buy the paper each day. Obviously warped, imo ;)
Just the stamp duty would build housing for social housing and that is what we are short of in this country.
Just the stamp duty would build housing for social housing and that is what we are short of in this country.

That is assuming they pay it... there are lots of dodgy tax schemes about which allow people to pay just a fraction of what they should. I think the govt is trying to clamp down on it, but I guess it could take some time.
A friend who's an IFA in the City of London stays well clear of these tax avoidance schemes.
But i have thought of registering myself for tax purposes as a Sark resident.
Don't think my employer would be to impressed though!!!!:lol: