My Network Places Showing Shared folders



Does anyone know the registry setting for turning off My Network Places
ability to scan the network for shared folders and printers?


Does anyone know the registry setting for turning off My Network Places
ability to scan the network for shared folders and printers?


If you want to find any registry key, change the setting using the normal GUI
wizard, while running Regmon (free) from SysInternals.

In this case, you'll find quite a few registry values involved. I changed that
setting, and Regmon identified 85 registry operations.

Ron Lowe

Steve said:
Does anyone know the registry setting for turning off My Network Places
ability to scan the network for shared folders and printers?

Windows Explorer | Tools | Folder Options | View tab;
Un-Check 'Automatically search for network folders and printers'.

If you need to do it via the registry, google for 'XP netcrawler registry'.
There is a value called NoNetCrawling, but I can't remember exactly where.

HKCU or HKLM\windows\current version\explorer\advanced, I think.

Philip Ashley

yep, NoNetCrawling set on mine to '1'



philip ashley

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