my myspace


tropical paradise

I can get on the internet, I can check my mail, do a google search, ect ect
but the only think I cant do is log into myspace, when I type it into the
address bar my computer freezes and does nothing, I can't even hit the red X
to close it I literally have to turn off my computer with my finger and then
turn it back on again, so the only thing I can't do is log into my myspace..
please help me

Singapore Web Design


If you are running IE6:
1.. Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced (tab) > UNCHECK
third-party browser extensions" > OK
2.. Run IE6 now and try reproducing the error.
3.. If it works now, one of your add-ons is causing the problem. Start
Internet Explorer as normal, Tools, Manage Add-ons, Enable or Disable
4.. Disable all the add-ons.
5.. Go back to Internet Options (step 1) and enable (check) back the
third-party browser extensions.
6.. Restart your browser and enable the add-ons one by one till the
problem appears and you get the culprit.

If you are running IE7

1.. Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet
Explorer 7 (No Add-ons) to start IE7 without any add-ons.
2.. Try using the browser and see if the same problem arises.
3.. If the problem does not occur again, start IE7 normally. If you can't
even start IE7 without an error, go to Start > Control Panel > Internet
Options > Advanced (tab) > UNCHECK "Enable
third-party browser extensions" > OK. Now try starting IE7 again.
4.. Go to Tools > Manage Add-ons and disable all the add-ons. If you had
unchecked "Enable
third-party browser extensions" in the previous step, go back to Internet
Options and recheck it and restart IE7 again.
5.. Enable each add-on one at each time and see if the problem occurs
again. Once it occurs again after enabling an add-on, you have nailed the
culprit and should enable the rest and disable the culprit.
If the menu bar does not appear, hit the Alt key on the keyboard to show it.
You can speed up IE6 / IE7 in this way by disabling all the unnecessary
add-ons as well, as they tend to slow down the overall browsing experience.

Singapore Web Design
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