My main form won't open

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My main form won't open it has been working just fine all month long
including yesterday. Now All I get is the Header at the very top. The rest
of the screen is Grayed out.

I did delete some columns in my main table where the form is based on. And
moved some text boxes that were on the main form into a subform. Did both of
these today. Now the form doesn't show anything.

What do I need to do to get this working?
Normally a blank form indicates that two conditions exits...

1) There are no records that match the data source criteria (in other words,
there is nothing to see).


2) The data source is not updatealbe, so new records can't be added.
The main table is FULL of records to VIEW in the main form. This form was
WORKING....Now IT"S NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would Like to know how to fix it?
If your form is driven by a query, open the query to see if it
displays any records. What Rick told you is correct.
Also, check to see if you have and filtering going on.

Lots of records show up in the query. No filtering.
There is a combo box on the form that users will use to bring data in. But
everything is grayed out. You see nothing except in Design view.

The only thing I changed was that I deleted some columns out of the table &
query. Also, created another subform.

Any ideas?
Ditto Mr. Roberts comments, especially his Rick B assertion.

When you deleted columns from the main table and moved text boxes to a
subform, you no longer had the form that had been "working just fine all
month long". If the form is based on a query, did you also update the query
to reflect the changes to the table?
OK - I've redid the query. Still nothing. There are records to be viewed.
both in the Table & query. Why don't they show up on the form????
mel, you're giving vague information and asking for a specific fix. we can't
see your database.

you mentioned a number of changes you made to your form and/or its'
underlying table. suggest you go to the last backup copy of your db that
does *not* include any of those changes, and begin again. make one change
and then test the form. if it's working, make the next change and then test
again. repeat until you've either made all the changes again, or have
identified which change is causing the problem. at that point you can start
a new thread explaining the specific details of what you did and ask for
help with a fix or work-around.

if you don't have a backup copy of your db, try to "undo" all the changes
you made, make a backup copy of the db, and then proceed as outlined above.

How the heck do you "undo the changes" after you saved? This does nothing.
Even when you close the database out for the day & go home from work it
if you didn't make periodic backups of your database as you are developing
it, then you'll need to *manually* change everything back to the settings
and setup that originally was working. then backup the database, and proceed
as i outlined earlier.

the good lesson in this (for everyone who reads this thread, mel, not just
you) is to backup your db frequently as you develop it. my personal habit is
to create the tables/relationships and then backup the db. once i get my
first interface component working satisfactorily (usually a form), then i
back up again. when i get the next component working (or modify a previously
working component successfully), then i back up again. etc, etc. so at any
stage of development, if i manage to "break" something that was previously
working and can't figure out how to fix it, i can simply scrap my working
copy and make a copy of the last backup to "start fresh".
