My last Blue Screen of Death: Bye Vista


Erwin Moller

Hi Vista lovers/haters/and all in between,

First: Some people in here are serious trying hard to help out
(thanks!), but I have had way too much Vista troubles now: I give up.

Too much in Vista is broken (even after SP1) to consider it a serious OS.
A *small sample* of my experiences:

- Backup is broken and doesn't offer any settings for advanced users.
It returned only 0800xxxx errors on me, no matter what I tried (sheduled
backup, fresh backup, etc). My filesystem was OK, and I didn't have any
extra users (and removed them, leaving some registry settings) on the
system (which was a known problem).

- My RAID1 kept failing (and rebuilding). To be honest: This could be an
ASUS P5K-E problem (my motherboard), I am not sure.

- System freezes. Power down was the only way out. (Which means a RAID1

- When I run Windows Update, I see an update for my LANdriver. If I try
to install it, my system freezes. This is a driver delivered via
Microsoft Update, not some obscure file found elsewhere.

- My logitech trackball mouse stops responding. Unplugging the usb, and
reinserting helps sometimes, sometimes not.

- My logitech keyboard and mouse are not recognized when I start up.
Unplugging the usb, and reinserting helps (always).
I do use the Logitech delivered Vista drivers.

- Vista oftens needs a few tries before booting. I couldn't find ANY
problem in my device manager, and am using ONLY vista drivers for all my

The list goes on and on.
And on.

I went to the shop where I bought my machine, and asked for a XP Pro
licence, which they gave me without troubles.

I am a programmer by profession, and need to work on my OS, not fix it.
I use Gnu/Linux (debian) of course for my server. But I MUST have some
M$ software for some of my customers.

Time lost:
I understand I need a little time when using a new OS, no problem. I
estimate that investment on a week or so: Just to get used to it, read
important tech articles, etc.
But I think I lost now 3 weeks (120 hours) on problems with Vista.

My advise to all who consider using Vista is simple: DON'T.

I frequent this group, and I can predict some reactions on my post:
- Frank shouting I am a noob/facist/communist/etc,
- Kevpan saying FYI,
- somebody saying I need the right drivers (which I have),
- somebody saying THEY don't have any problems, so it must be me
screwing up the machine.
- etc
....the usual....

And I'll surely have a look at them when I return here, running XP pro.

No Ubuntu for me, allthough I love it, I simply need Microsoft software
for my customers, like: SQL Server support, a running IIS, etc.

This is no random rant: These a serious complaints by a guy who started
programming when he was 13, and kept working on programming/computers
ever since (for 27 years now, makes me 40).
I liked W2000/W2003 a lot, really, so I don't hate Microsoft or
something (except their monopolistic behaviour. And Steve Balmer I hate

I am not the noob, Vista is crap, and I will not wait for SP2/3/4
whatever to 'solve all problems'.
I do not care too much about the money paid for Vista (a few hundred
euros), I care about the loss of productive workinghours, which is worth
manyfold the price I paid for Vista.

Regards and thanks for reading my rant,
Erwin Moller

PS: All intelligent replies/opinions are very welcome.


On Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:08:31 +0200, Erwin Moller wrote:

PS: All intelligent replies/opinions are very welcome.

1. Back-up personal data/files etc. to removable media.
2. Check the motherboard for functionality.
3. Wipe/reformat HDD.
4. Re-install OS.


Erwin Moller
I frequent this group, and I can predict some reactions on my post:
- Frank shouting I am a noob/facist/communist/etc,
- Kevpan saying FYI,
- somebody saying I need the right drivers (which I have),
- somebody saying THEY don't have any problems, so it must be me
screwing up the machine.
- etc

You forgot a possible hardware problem. (With the most common HW problem
being RAM, which can cause all the problems you have seen.)


This is no random rant: These a serious complaints by a guy who started
programming when he was 13, and kept working on programming/computers ever
since (for 27 years now, makes me 40).

It's obvious then that you don't know how to build a computer, or determine
when you've got bad hardware. All the complaints you had about Vista are
most certainly hardware issues.

I've been running Vista since the day it came out on 3 different machines,
and it's been flawless. No lockups, no crashes, nothing. If the OS was at
fault, we'd all be having these issues - and we aren't.


Chupacabra said:
It's obvious then that you don't know how to build a computer, or
determine when you've got bad hardware. All the complaints you had
about Vista are most certainly hardware issues.

I've been running Vista since the day it came out on 3 different
machines, and it's been flawless. No lockups, no crashes, nothing. If
the OS was at fault, we'd all be having these issues - and we aren't.

Flawless? No OS is "flawless." You make an ass out of yourself
claiming that Vista is the very form of perfection.

Smoking's not bad for you! I've been smoking for over thirty years, and
my lungs work flawlessly! If smoking caused cancer wouldn't all smokers
have cancer - and we don't!

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


It's obvious then that you don't know how to build a computer, or
determine when you've got bad hardware. All the complaints you had
about Vista are most certainly hardware issues.

I've been running Vista since the day it came out on 3 different
machines, and it's been flawless. No lockups, no crashes, nothing. If
the OS was at fault, we'd all be having these issues - and we aren't.

Sure must be a lot of bad hardware out there!


Flawless? No OS is "flawless." You make an ass out of yourself claiming
that Vista is the very form of perfection.

I didn't mean that Vista is the very form of perfection, only that it's
performed flawlessly for me. I've not had any crashes, hangups,
bluescreens, etc. It may have a few warts, but it works pretty well IMHO.
It's at least as stable as XP was, and everything I run on it has no issues.
Sure, it could be better (nothing is perfect), but in day to day operation,
I would consider it just fine.

Your mileage may vary.


Erwin said:
Hi Vista lovers/haters/and all in between,

First: Some people in here are serious trying hard to help out
(thanks!), but I have had way too much Vista troubles now: I give up.

Too much in Vista is broken (even after SP1) to consider it a serious OS.
A *small sample* of my experiences:

- Backup is broken and doesn't offer any settings for advanced users.
It returned only 0800xxxx errors on me, no matter what I tried (sheduled
backup, fresh backup, etc). My filesystem was OK, and I didn't have any
extra users (and removed them, leaving some registry settings) on the
system (which was a known problem).

- My RAID1 kept failing (and rebuilding). To be honest: This could be an
ASUS P5K-E problem (my motherboard), I am not sure.

- System freezes. Power down was the only way out. (Which means a RAID1

- When I run Windows Update, I see an update for my LANdriver. If I try
to install it, my system freezes. This is a driver delivered via
Microsoft Update, not some obscure file found elsewhere.

- My logitech trackball mouse stops responding. Unplugging the usb, and
reinserting helps sometimes, sometimes not.

- My logitech keyboard and mouse are not recognized when I start up.
Unplugging the usb, and reinserting helps (always).
I do use the Logitech delivered Vista drivers.

- Vista oftens needs a few tries before booting. I couldn't find ANY
problem in my device manager, and am using ONLY vista drivers for all my

The list goes on and on.
And on.

I went to the shop where I bought my machine, and asked for a XP Pro
licence, which they gave me without troubles.

I am a programmer by profession, and need to work on my OS, not fix it.
I use Gnu/Linux (debian) of course for my server. But I MUST have some
M$ software for some of my customers.

Time lost:
I understand I need a little time when using a new OS, no problem. I
estimate that investment on a week or so: Just to get used to it, read
important tech articles, etc.
But I think I lost now 3 weeks (120 hours) on problems with Vista.

My advise to all who consider using Vista is simple: DON'T.

I frequent this group, and I can predict some reactions on my post:
- Frank shouting I am a noob/facist/communist/etc,
- Kevpan saying FYI,
- somebody saying I need the right drivers (which I have),
- somebody saying THEY don't have any problems, so it must be me
screwing up the machine.
- etc
...the usual....

And I'll surely have a look at them when I return here, running XP pro.

No Ubuntu for me, allthough I love it, I simply need Microsoft software
for my customers, like: SQL Server support, a running IIS, etc.

This is no random rant: These a serious complaints by a guy who started
programming when he was 13, and kept working on programming/computers
ever since (for 27 years now, makes me 40).
I liked W2000/W2003 a lot, really, so I don't hate Microsoft or
something (except their monopolistic behaviour. And Steve Balmer I hate

I am not the noob, Vista is crap, and I will not wait for SP2/3/4
whatever to 'solve all problems'.
I do not care too much about the money paid for Vista (a few hundred
euros), I care about the loss of productive workinghours, which is worth
manyfold the price I paid for Vista.

Regards and thanks for reading my rant,
Erwin Moller

PS: All intelligent replies/opinions are very welcome.

What OS are you planning to use??


ray said:
Sure must be a lot of bad hardware out there!

Seems that it takes Vista to expose it. Have you ever seen more "corrupted
files" then on a Vista machine? Damn, those Vista hard drives sure do fail
a lot.



"Linux is a very complete and sophisticated operating system. And there is a
lot of work being done to improve it in and of itself, particularly to make
it easier to use and easier for people to set up on their personal

--Paul Maritz, senior vice-president of platforms and applications,

Latest Patch for MS Word ...

How to get help at Microsoft Support ...


Chupacabra said:
I didn't mean that Vista is the very form of perfection, only that it's
performed flawlessly for me. I've not had any crashes, hangups,
bluescreens, etc. It may have a few warts,

Isn't "warts" synonymous with "flaws," especially in the context you are
using them?
but it works pretty well

"Flawless" now turns into "it works pretty well." Nice! I love it when
people shapeshift their opinions so easily.
It's at least as stable as XP was, and everything I run on it has
no issues. Sure, it could be better (nothing is perfect), but in day to
day operation, I would consider it just fine.

Your mileage may vary.

So it sounds like XP would work just fine for you too, and Vista is more
of a preference for you rather than a need.

So why should anyone risk what is working for them now, and have to deal
with the "warts" of Vista, if it is just at matter of want, instead of need?

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"

Erwin Moller

Kayman schreef:
On Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:08:31 +0200, Erwin Moller wrote:

Hi Kayman,

I am back (from XP).
1. Back-up personal data/files etc. to removable media.

I did. But NOT with Vista backup of course, but by hand.
Vista backup is broken as I pointed out in my original post. ;-)
2. Check the motherboard for functionality.

Totally fine as far as I can tell. (ASUS P5K-E second edition)
3. Wipe/reformat HDD.

I did.
4. Re-install OS.

Did you maybe mean: Install a WORKING OS?
I just did (XP).


Erwin Moller

Erwin Moller

Bob schreef:
What firewall, anti-virus application or security suite is installed?
There are some that cause problems.

Hi Bob,

I don't have Vista anymore, but I was running Mc Afee (latest version).
It claims to be working on Vista 32bit Home Premium.

Erwin Moller


"Erwin Moller"
Hi Vista lovers/haters/and all in between,

First: Some people in here are serious trying hard to help out (thanks!),
but I have had way too much Vista troubles now: I give up.

Too much in Vista is broken (even after SP1) to consider it a serious OS.
A *small sample* of my experiences:

- Backup is broken and doesn't offer any settings for advanced users.
It returned only 0800xxxx errors on me, no matter what I tried (sheduled
backup, fresh backup, etc). My filesystem was OK, and I didn't have any
extra users (and removed them, leaving some registry settings) on the
system (which was a known problem).

- My RAID1 kept failing (and rebuilding). To be honest: This could be an
ASUS P5K-E problem (my motherboard), I am not sure.

- System freezes. Power down was the only way out. (Which means a RAID1

- When I run Windows Update, I see an update for my LANdriver. If I try to
install it, my system freezes. This is a driver delivered via Microsoft
Update, not some obscure file found elsewhere.

- My logitech trackball mouse stops responding. Unplugging the usb, and
reinserting helps sometimes, sometimes not.

- My logitech keyboard and mouse are not recognized when I start up.
Unplugging the usb, and reinserting helps (always).
I do use the Logitech delivered Vista drivers.

- Vista oftens needs a few tries before booting. I couldn't find ANY
problem in my device manager, and am using ONLY vista drivers for all my

The list goes on and on.
And on.

I went to the shop where I bought my machine, and asked for a XP Pro
licence, which they gave me without troubles.

I am a programmer by profession, and need to work on my OS, not fix it.
I use Gnu/Linux (debian) of course for my server. But I MUST have some M$
software for some of my customers.

Time lost:
I understand I need a little time when using a new OS, no problem. I
estimate that investment on a week or so: Just to get used to it, read
important tech articles, etc.
But I think I lost now 3 weeks (120 hours) on problems with Vista.

My advise to all who consider using Vista is simple: DON'T.

I frequent this group, and I can predict some reactions on my post:
- Frank shouting I am a noob/facist/communist/etc,
- Kevpan saying FYI,
- somebody saying I need the right drivers (which I have),
- somebody saying THEY don't have any problems, so it must be me screwing
up the machine.
- etc
...the usual....

And I'll surely have a look at them when I return here, running XP pro.

No Ubuntu for me, allthough I love it, I simply need Microsoft software
for my customers, like: SQL Server support, a running IIS, etc.

This is no random rant: These a serious complaints by a guy who started
programming when he was 13, and kept working on programming/computers ever
since (for 27 years now, makes me 40).
I liked W2000/W2003 a lot, really, so I don't hate Microsoft or something
(except their monopolistic behaviour. And Steve Balmer I hate too.).

I am not the noob, Vista is crap, and I will not wait for SP2/3/4 whatever
to 'solve all problems'.
I do not care too much about the money paid for Vista (a few hundred
euros), I care about the loss of productive workinghours, which is worth
manyfold the price I paid for Vista.

Regards and thanks for reading my rant,
Erwin Moller

PS: All intelligent replies/opinions are very welcome.

welcome to reality.
admitting there's a problem is the first step in recovery... LOL

Erwin Moller

DanS schreef:
Erwin Moller

You forgot a possible hardware problem. (With the most common HW problem
being RAM, which can cause all the problems you have seen.)

Hi Dan,

Yes, that one I forgot in my list. ;-)

My point was: I don't care too much about troubleshooting hardware/OS
I had my fair share of that.
I expect nowadays that when I buy state-of-the-art hardware, an OS works
on it if I deliver the right drivers.
If it doesn't... well, I am not getting paid by M$ or the
hardwarecompany to fix that.

All my drivers said they worked on Vista 32bit.
I didn't see any conflicts in my device manager.
What else does M$ expect from an end user?

Erwin Moller


Erwin said:
Bob schreef:

Hi Bob,

I don't have Vista anymore, but I was running Mc Afee (latest version).
It claims to be working on Vista 32bit Home Premium.

Erwin Moller

Ah, well that was your problem. Vista doesn't play nicely with non-MS
branded security software, like McAfee.

Didn't you realize that MS is using Vista to help it gain a foothold in
the security software market?


Reinstall Vista, buy and install OneCare, and all the World's problems
will be solved for you!


Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Erwin said:
DanS schreef:

Hi Dan,

Yes, that one I forgot in my list. ;-)

My point was: I don't care too much about troubleshooting hardware/OS
I had my fair share of that.
I expect nowadays that when I buy state-of-the-art hardware, an OS works
on it if I deliver the right drivers.
If it doesn't... well, I am not getting paid by M$ or the
hardwarecompany to fix that.

All my drivers said they worked on Vista 32bit.
I didn't see any conflicts in my device manager.
What else does M$ expect from an end user?

More & more & more & more...of your hard-earned cash for re=polishing
the same turd.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"

Erwin Moller

Chupacabra schreef:
It's obvious then that you don't know how to build a computer, or
determine when you've got bad hardware. All the complaints you had
about Vista are most certainly hardware issues.

Hi Chupacabra,

Obvious I don't know how to build a computer?
I expected your kind of response when I wrote in my original posting:

I frequent this group, and I can predict some reactions on my post:
- somebody saying THEY don't have any problems, so it must be me
screwing up the machine.

You fit in right there.

You also show basic logic is hard for you.
But Kurttrail pointed that out already.

If you are not even able to think logically, please spare me your
comment about my knowledge of assembling a computer.
(I didn't even assemble it myself, but the specialists at my
hardwareshop did it, but I expect they don't know what they are doing
I've been running Vista since the day it came out on 3 different
machines, and it's been flawless. No lockups, no crashes, nothing. If
the OS was at fault, we'd all be having these issues - and we aren't.

Erwin Moller

Erwin Moller

kurttrail schreef:
Erwin said:
Bob schreef:

Hi Bob,

I don't have Vista anymore, but I was running Mc Afee (latest version).
It claims to be working on Vista 32bit Home Premium.

Erwin Moller

Ah, well that was your problem. Vista doesn't play nicely with non-MS
branded security software, like McAfee.

Didn't you realize that MS is using Vista to help it gain a foothold in
the security software market?


Reinstall Vista, buy and install OneCare, and all the World's problems
will be solved for you!


Yes, next thing they ask me is to use Exploder to surf the net safely!

By the way: I want to add a big HURAY for the Firefox and Thunderbird team.
I just copied my old profilesfolders from my backup vista to XP, and
voila: Mailbox back, bookmarks back, all works immediately.
Try that with IE and Lookout. ;-)

Erwin Moller (Feeling happy now with a working OS)

Erwin Moller

Mellowed schreef:
What OS are you planning to use??

Didn't I write that clearly?

[quote from my original post]
And I'll surely have a look at them when I return here, running XP pro.

I run Debian on my webservers.
I run W2000 at home.
I was 'running' Vista Home Premium (32bit) at work, where I am now.
While I write this I am on XP/SP2, running smoothly so far. :)

Erwin Moller

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