Windows Vista my laptop wont recognise my dvdrw burner

r click my computer, manage.

device manager.

click the [+] by dvd/cd-rom drives

are there any yellow exclamation points
is there anything listed under dvd/cd rom drives?


when did you notice you missing dvdrw?

did you install software recently

visit the internet?

if not, what is listed in the yellow question mark other devices?
1. turn off laptop. if the dvd-rw is removable or ejectable, do so. you may have to undo 1 or 2 screws on the bottom. most laptops bays are modular like that. plug the dvd-rw back into the laptop. this will reseat the connections possibly restoring connectivity. see if it is recognized. if not then,

2. go to the mfg's site and find the driver for it. download and install.