Control Panel->Mail Icon->Accounts. Ensure you have a POP3 account
configured using your ISP settings.
If you selected an Exchange Account, remove it, install your POP3 account
and then follow GMail's account setup instructions.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Sons asked:
| Hi DL
| I have followed the instructions given by Gmail exactly and still
| cannot connect. My ISP says it is a setting in Outlook 2007 that
| does not support internet email which is why I cannot get Outlook to
| connect to my ISP or Gmail. They say they cannot help with my
| computer settings as it is outside their area. They did say I needed
| to go into add & remove programs and enable internet mail in Outlook,
| but I cannot find a specific setting for that and have turned on
| everything I can see to no avail. Do you know what setting they
| mean and where I can find it?
|| Go to gmail site and follow instructions for setting up OL
|| Do the same for your domain, unless you mean your ISP in which case
|| see their help pages
|| ||| I have gone into ad d& install programs and added everything I
||| could see but
||| there was not a setting specifically so outlook could accept email
||| from internet provides such as my web hosting or gmail. Can anyone
||| help? --
||| Sons