My 'helpful' daughter has turned everyhting 90degrees

  • Thread starter Thread starter mjo
  • Start date Start date


My start menu and evr piece of writing are at a 90 degree
angle. Anyone know how to put it write? The vertical tile
manager is not available.
mjo said:
My start menu and evr piece of writing are at a 90 degree
angle. Anyone know how to put it write? The vertical tile
manager is not available.

Some display adapters have a screen rotation option. Open Control
Panel/Display/Settings Tab/Advanced button. Click the Adapter Tab and look
for this control there.

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.
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click on it with the left mouse button, with left mouse button held down down, drag where you want it.
mjo said:
My start menu and evr piece of writing are at a 90 degree
angle. Anyone know how to put it write? The vertical tile
manager is not available.

Ignore my last message.

Right click an empty space on the taskbar and select Unlock (If this is
checked). Then, place the cursor on the taskbar and drag the bar to the
bottom of the screen.

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.
position mouse pointer on task bar, click and hold left mouse button, drag task bar where you prefer it it be.
Is it just the task bar at 90 degrees ? if so, do what Sue poste

If the whole desktop is rotated at 90 degrees, then do what Ronnie posted