* kmiller:
It is not an un-common thing for Microsoft to 're-write' their code
(for a new OS) just prior to product release.
What a nonsense. MS sometimes rewrites parts of their codes during the
beta phase but definitely not the complete code base. And the Vista Beta
phase was very consistent.
Just ask the Corel Corporation.
[Microsoft deliberately re-wrote the 'original' Windows 95 code (just
prior to product release) - to make Corel's WordPerfect Office for
Windows 95 - a "Lame Duck".]
Yeah, sure. If you really believe MS rewrote the complete Win95 code set
just to slow down Corel WordPerfect then you're very naive and show that
you have no single clue about software development. FYI: just because
code gets rewritten doesn't mean other software doesn't run anymore. You
definitely want to learn something about software development, and what
APIs are for.
But I assume you have some proof for this (MS rewriting complete code
base just to slow down WordPerfect), haven't you?
Don't try sell me (us) - on Microsoft's "Fair Play" consciousness.
I never said MS is using "fair play", but a lot of statements including
yours are just plain stupid and show a severe lack of understanding of
even some very basic things. I know for the simple minded blaming
everything including their own insufficiencies is the common way but
reality is quite different from that.
In case of Vista, it's just a fact that for the gfx problems it's
AMD/ATI and Nvidia which are to blame. The Beta phase was long enough,
no vendor can say that he didn't had a chance to be prepared for prime
time, and lots of other hardware manufacturers had their stuff ready for
Vista release. Bad luck for AMD/ATI and Nvidia that they had to prepare
for Vista around the same time they were pushing out a completely new
GPU architecture which obviously was overstressing their ressources.
. - most of us here, already know how easily Microsoft can 're-write'
their code (just prior to product release), to make competing products
- "Irrelevant" !!!
The truth is, most of you here simply know shit about this regard. All
you do is following rumors, hearsay and imagination.