Do you have the original, before you downloaded it?
There is nothing at the URL now, did you delete the entire web?
What you should have done:
Opened FP
File | Open Web Site
entered the online address:
the File | Publish Web Site
to a NEW named web on your harddrive. This way you would have had the original AND a new copy.
Not sure what you have may have a partial copy.
You may have to have the host enable a backup for you.
IF you have a complete backup previous to your adventure you could put that backup...if not, I think the host's backup is the only way to save yourself.
| I bought a new copy of frontpage 3003 and downloade if from
| then edited the contact pages index.htm and
| another one and published it to my hard drive and also published it to the
| same address I downloaded it from. Now when I download it fron the host I
| have copies of some of the files, but not all. I think that I should have
| studied more but my boss was really pressuring me to fet the contact info
| changed right away and this is my first time doing anything of this nature. I
| did delete the copies and just closed frontpage. HELP!
| "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > Were you working with the local copy that he left you...or did you download your own local copy off the server?
| >
| > If you downloaded your own copy and did not Publish it down to your machine (maybe you used Import?) you may not have gotten the entire web. Uh oh.
| >
| > You'd need to outline exactly what process you followed in trying to do what you did.
| >
| >
| > | I downloaded our company website created by my bosses nephew who is no longer
| > | maintaining it. I edited two pages in my new frontpage 2003 and published it
| > | but now only 1 of the 2 pages I edited shows up, and nothing else. What do I
| > | do to fix this?
| >