How can I "fix" the elements on the page so they don't move around both on my
machine and when other people look at it.
machine and when other people look at it.
Seems very odd that Elanor's patty site link does not work. Give it
a try from one of my pages and see if you can get in using the Patty
Link on the url below.
Polcat said:Eleanor: The URL for "thepattysite" doesn't work. How can I get into it?
Thanks for the suggestion.
Cheryl D Wise said:Use a table, use css or otherwise fix the page size. You could also provide
a url if you want more specific advices.
Cheryl D. Wise
MS FrontPage MVP
Online instructor led web design training in FrontPage,
Dreamweaver and more!
Next Session June 26th
gskywalkers said:Seems very odd that Elanor's patty site link does not work. Give it a try
from one of my pages and see if you can get in using the Patty Link on the
url below.
E. T. Culling said:Excellent resource ... thank you! Can I add it to my resource page?