My Documents

  • Thread starter Thread starter Judy Bednar
  • Start date Start date

Judy Bednar

Just started using XP Pro. I am the default and/or *only* user. Why do I
have FOUR "My Documents"?

There is:
C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\My Documents
C:\Documents and Settings\MyName\My Documents
C:\My Documents
C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\My Documents

Not to mention the other four shortcuts (recent, send to, etc)

I find all this terribly confusing, keep saving things in a different "my
Documents" Can I delete some of these?
Do not use or remove the C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\My
Documents. Used as a template.
Do not use or remove the C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\My

The C:\Documents and Settings\MyName\My Documents is the one you should be

The C:\My Documents may be the alternate location but in order to find out
which one is the default location, right click on the Icon on your desktop
called My Documents and select properties. It will show you the default