I have mapped my "My Documents" system directory (or "Documents" as it's
called in Vista) to a subdirectory of a network share permanently connected
to a drive letter.
The problem is that every installation using InstallShield is failing with
the error message: "Error 1327.Invalid Drive U:\"
U: is the letter I'm using for the network share.
The share is working, the network connection is stable, I can browse U:\ and
"My Documents" just fine.
If I'm moving "My Documents" to a local directory, everything is working.
But that's very cumbersome.
I've found a knowledge base entry (282183) which is referring this problem,
but they assume that the network share isn't working properly, which is not
the case for me.
I think that InstallShield might try to access U:\ with different
credentials and doesn't get access because of that. Can that be the problem?
How can I work around this?
called in Vista) to a subdirectory of a network share permanently connected
to a drive letter.
The problem is that every installation using InstallShield is failing with
the error message: "Error 1327.Invalid Drive U:\"
U: is the letter I'm using for the network share.
The share is working, the network connection is stable, I can browse U:\ and
"My Documents" just fine.
If I'm moving "My Documents" to a local directory, everything is working.
But that's very cumbersome.
I've found a knowledge base entry (282183) which is referring this problem,
but they assume that the network share isn't working properly, which is not
the case for me.
I think that InstallShield might try to access U:\ with different
credentials and doesn't get access because of that. Can that be the problem?
How can I work around this?