My Document Link Not Working


Ty Archer

When I open My Computer, there are a few links at the right
hand side of the window, My Document, My Network Places &
Network & Dial. The My document and my network places do
not work. Can anyone tell me why. Thanks very much.

Jason Hall [MSFT]

Sender: "Ty Archer" <[email protected]>
Subject: My Document Link Not Working
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 05:14:57 -0700

When I open My Computer, there are a few links at the right
hand side of the window, My Document, My Network Places &
Network & Dial. The My document and my network places do
not work. Can anyone tell me why. Thanks very much.

Q839654: "My Documents, My Computer and My Network Places links in the See

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
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Kell Tainer

I searched for that article several times, but I could not
find anything related to Q839654.
Did I just miss it, or is it gone?

Jason Hall [MSFT]

Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
From: "Kell Tainer" <[email protected]>
Sender: "Kell Tainer" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: My Document Link Not Working
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 10:43:23 -0700

I searched for that article several times, but I could not
find anything related to Q839654.
Did I just miss it, or is it gone?

I am really sorry, its not published yet.
(imagine my embarassment)
If the below information applies to you, call in to Microsoft Support to
get the free hotfix

Q839654: "My Documents, My Computer and My Network Places inks in the See


When you open Windows Explorer to view any folder on a Microsoft
Windows-based computer,
and you click the "My Documents" link, the "My Network Places" link, or the
"My Computer" link
in the "See also" list on the right pane, the corresponding folder does not


This problem may occur if you have installed the November 2003 cumulative
security update
for Internet Explorer number MS03-048 that is described in Knowledge Base
article 824145, or,
if you have installed cumulative security update for Internet Explorer
number MS04-004 that is
described in Knowledge Base article 832894.

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
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message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they

Kell Tainer

This situation does apply to me, but I don't think I have
the affecting Hotfixes.
I looked in my Add/Remove Programs for any Windows 2000
Hotfixes that had numbers 824145 or 832894, and found none.
I saw 824146, but not 824145. Does that Hotfix qualify?



When is the update supposed to be posted rather than
having to call support for the download?

Jason Hall [MSFT]

From: "Steve" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: My Document Link Not Working
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 11:28:42 -0700

When is the update supposed to be posted rather than
having to call support for the download?

Personally, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this one.
The hotfix was only created a couple of months ago. It is slated to be in
I would imagine it will be posted sometime between now and SP5....if it
gets posted at all

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
~ This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
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message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they

Jason Hall [MSFT]

From: "Kell Tainer" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: My Document Link Not Working
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 08:10:59 -0700
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.win2000.general

This situation does apply to me, but I don't think I have
the affecting Hotfixes.
I looked in my Add/Remove Programs for any Windows 2000
Hotfixes that had numbers 824145 or 832894, and found none.
I saw 824146, but not 824145. Does that Hotfix qualify?

Well, if you don't have 824145 or 832894, then the cause as listed in
Q839654 does not necessarily apply to you.
However, it is conceivable that since you have the same symptoms as listed
in the article, that the hotfix may apply to you.
I think it might be worth a shot.
Let me know how it goes

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
~ This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
~ Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at
~ Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they

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