My computer will not load secure websites. I can go to
Delts airlines to order a ticket. when I need to go to
the ssl part of the web site the page will not load. I
can not scan my computer to update windows on the windows
web site. The error code of 0X800A138F comes up on the
web page. I googled that error code and found a 14 step
how to fix the problem at
www.Update.com/0X800A138F.html. I followed the steps
and no joy in my household. This also is happening in
AOL as well as the Opera web browser and the newest
netscape web brouser. Downloaded in the last week. This
is happening on my wifes laptop computer. I have also
unintsalled Microsofts inernet browser and then
reinstalled it. My wifes computer is connected to a laser
printer through my home lan. It has also stopped
working. The ip address of the printer pings okay. The
computer is a broad band connected through the same home
lan network. the other three computers are having no
trouble connecting to the internet or connecting to the
printer. Help me please.
Delts airlines to order a ticket. when I need to go to
the ssl part of the web site the page will not load. I
can not scan my computer to update windows on the windows
web site. The error code of 0X800A138F comes up on the
web page. I googled that error code and found a 14 step
how to fix the problem at
www.Update.com/0X800A138F.html. I followed the steps
and no joy in my household. This also is happening in
AOL as well as the Opera web browser and the newest
netscape web brouser. Downloaded in the last week. This
is happening on my wifes laptop computer. I have also
unintsalled Microsofts inernet browser and then
reinstalled it. My wifes computer is connected to a laser
printer through my home lan. It has also stopped
working. The ip address of the printer pings okay. The
computer is a broad band connected through the same home
lan network. the other three computers are having no
trouble connecting to the internet or connecting to the
printer. Help me please.