my computer link in my documents has no response


Kim L


when i'm in the windows explorer at my documents there are
two links in the left side to my computer and my computer
places, when i click on either one nothing happens is this
how its supposed to work or is it supposed to jump to my
computer or my network places ? Thank you for any help

Kim L


Windows 2000 displays My Documents at top and then Floppy
drive, Local C drive and so on...

My Network Places should only have two icons: Add Network
Place and Entire Network.

All above followed by Recycle Bin and Internet Explorer at
the bottom.

My Documents should display any files that you have stored
in your personal area.

Local Drive C:\ should show all the contents of the C
drive which is mostly where the system folders reside.

Jason Hall [MSFT]

Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
From: "Kim L" <[email protected]>
Sender: "Kim L" <[email protected]>
Subject: my computer link in my documents has no response
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 15:08:26 -0700


when i'm in the windows explorer at my documents there are
two links in the left side to my computer and my computer
places, when i click on either one nothing happens is this
how its supposed to work or is it supposed to jump to my
computer or my network places ? Thank you for any help

Kim L

Here is your issue.....
Q839654: Links in the "See also" list in Windows Explorer do not work in

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