My Computer Folder opens automatically at startup.



I know there is a simple answer to this problem (annoyance) but I just can't
put my finger on it.

Each time I boot my system, the My Computer folder automatically opens as
part of the process. This has only been occurring for the last few days - so
I guess I've tripped a registry switch somehow. But I cannot locate the

Can someone please advise me what to do to stop this happenning? Thankyou.


Thanks FCC... I appreciate your time.
I should have added the fact that I have already checked all the obvious
places (including the one you suggested) where the folder might be loading -
but nothing has shown up.
I wonder if you have any other ideas.
(I don't see how the registry could have been "accidentally" altered either!
But, after looking in all the other areas, it's the only answer I can come
up with.)


IanRobbo said:
I know there is a simple answer to this problem (annoyance) but I just
put my finger on it.

Each time I boot my system, the My Computer folder automatically opens as
part of the process. This has only been occurring for the last few days -
I guess I've tripped a registry switch somehow. But I cannot locate the

See this thread, and if that doesn't do it look through some of the other
threads in the Google search below.


Thankyou Rock. The first link didn't help unfortunately. I'm still chasing
through all the other possibilities you gave me. More in due course.


IanRobbo said:
I should have added the fact that I have already checked all the obvious
places (including the one you suggested) where the folder might be loading -
but nothing has shown up.
I wonder if you have any other ideas.

Ian, have you installed any new programs in the last few days? Virgle
had a similar problem with Control Panel opening automatically (see the
thread "Control Panel") and found the culprit to be a new program.


Rock said:
See this thread, and if that doesn't do it look through some of the
other threads in the Google search below.

That was very interesting, Rock, thanks for the reference. Just one
thing, though; the reference to path names including spaces being
enclosed in "question marks" surely ought to read "quote marks"?


Nightowl said:
That was very interesting, Rock, thanks for the reference. Just one
thing, though; the reference to path names including spaces being
enclosed in "question marks" surely ought to read "quote marks"?

Lol, yes, an oops I think.


I apologise for being so tardy with this post, but I broke my system recently
(or more correctly Norton Removal Tool did) and I've been getting everything
back to speed since.

However, because I used a disk image that was 10 or 12 days old, I think I
may now have the answer to my original problem.

The suggestion that it could have been the result of a new program
installation appears to have been correct.

The back-up I used was taken before I installed Acrobat 8 and Primo PDF
Converter. Whether it was either - or both - of these which was the rogue I
can't be sure (hence I'm not game to re-install either ftb!)... but the
problem is no longer with me! Everything now works just fine.

I'm sorry I can't be more specific or provide any further details... but
that's where I am now.

My sincere thanks to everyone who took the trouble to reply to my cry for
help. I appreciate your support very much.

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