Recently, my USB port was registering F drive. Then it grabbed onto the G:
drive which is my project drive on the server. I got the G: drive back to
the project files but now the USB ports dont register any drive to access in
MY COMPUTER. Thus I can t access or use the USB ports for file transfer.
How to I get these temp drives to show up in MY COMPUTER window again. The
USB ports are working, so says the Device Manager.................I
uninstalled but no luck there. Hopefully, this is a easy fix. The portable
storage works on other computers in the network, just not mine anymore. UGH!
PS thanks in advance for all your expertise, I could live to be 100 and never
have a clue.
drive which is my project drive on the server. I got the G: drive back to
the project files but now the USB ports dont register any drive to access in
MY COMPUTER. Thus I can t access or use the USB ports for file transfer.
How to I get these temp drives to show up in MY COMPUTER window again. The
USB ports are working, so says the Device Manager.................I
uninstalled but no luck there. Hopefully, this is a easy fix. The portable
storage works on other computers in the network, just not mine anymore. UGH!
PS thanks in advance for all your expertise, I could live to be 100 and never
have a clue.