I put together a PC over a year ago with both a large SATA drive and an old
IDE drive. The other day I noticed I could see the SATA drive, but not the
IDE drive. At first, I thought maybe I didn't really have an IDE drive
there. I needed to test a potentially damaged IDE drive and have a removable
tray there for an IDE drive. When I pushed it in, I could see two IDE and
one SATA. Looking at bios, the missing IDE was mounted as a secondary
(slave) IDE. I would guess I need to recable that to IDE primary.
IDE drive. The other day I noticed I could see the SATA drive, but not the
IDE drive. At first, I thought maybe I didn't really have an IDE drive
there. I needed to test a potentially damaged IDE drive and have a removable
tray there for an IDE drive. When I pushed it in, I could see two IDE and
one SATA. Looking at bios, the missing IDE was mounted as a secondary
(slave) IDE. I would guess I need to recable that to IDE primary.