My Cd-Rom Drive doesn't work.



When I put a cd into it the auto run program doesn't work. And when i try the
option on the start menu that doesn't work either. And when I try to start
the cd by clicking the icon on my desktop (it is usually a computer game i am
trying to start) it says I don't have the correct disk in the drive.


Is it a DVD disc? I just got the DVD version Battlefield 2 the other day, and
I tried to run it in my CD (only) drive, and I believe I got an error similar
to yours. So perhaps its something like that?

What do you hear when the drive starts up? Does it sound like its spinning?
Does the light blink. Tell us more about the behavior. Also, try a restart if
you havent already. They can work wonders ;).

Ive remember one time where I was having problems with my drive, and I ended
up opening up my case and reconnecting the IDE and power cables. However I
would only recommend this if you know what your doing. If you dont, google
some guide for installing CD drives and from there, you will find out how to
reconnect the drive. It may be a longshot, but hey, it worked for me. It
turned out that my problem was that the power cable went 'bad' (sorry for the
vagueness, but thats all i can really say about the problem). So all it did
it trade it out with another free one in my case.

Good luck!


It is a disc. it sounds like the cd is moving and the light is blinking. I
have also tried restarting several time plus shutting it down for a few hours.


Some additional questions, that answered, may help solve your problem:

Is the disc a DVD or CD? (Note that a CD will play in a DVD drive, but a DVD
will not work in a CD drive)

Does the media in question have physical damage such as scratches,
fingerprints, etc? (Often a damaged CD will spin up and cause the active
light to blink on the drive, but won't play the media in question)

Is the computer's drive a DVD or CD drive?

Have you tried different media, such as another CD or an audio CD in the
(Trying several different CDs will help determine if it is the CD in
question or a problem with the drive. Alternately, try the CD that won't play
in another computer)

Has the computer been physically moved recently? (A connector may have been
loosened as mentioned by Tim in the post above)

Best regards,

Jason C. Henley


I have tried other cds and they worked. (I guess two cds i tried are messed
up) and it is a dvd drive. thanks a lot everyone!!!! i might come back if i
have any more questions because i suck with computers.


The8Man8 said:
I have tried other cds and they worked. (I guess two cds i tried are messed
up) and it is a dvd drive. thanks a lot everyone!!!! i might come back if i
have any more questions because i suck with computers.
I am having the same problem. In safe mode, as administrator, any media I
put in the either cd or dvd rom works fine. I also am running Linux alongside
WindowsXP and Linux sees the drives just fine. I have several live linux
distros that work too. I can put a dvd in the drive and PowerDVD sees it just
fine. But I can't go to >My computer and have either drive see anything
logged in normally.

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