My browser has been attacked!


Jeff Linder

This suddenly started a week ago. Every time I open IE 6, a new panel now
shows up on the left side of the browser window that is some kind of search
engine. I never authorized or downloaded this thing. It says: "Find a Web
page containing: (with a search field)" Then it says, "Brought to you by
ShopNav Search" ALSO, now whenever I type in an incorrect URL, a ShopNav
Search page appears in the browser window! What have they done to my
browser? How do I make this stuff go away? Thanks for your help. -Jeff


Try and go to its homepage.'' i think
this is it. but try visiting it from the panel and then
click the 'uninstall now' button

hope this helps


You've been hijacked. It happened to me so here's what I
was told to do., and what I've done many times
First jot down the address of the hijacker. It will be in
your address window when you open your browser. Next use
ctrl-alt-delete to again identify the hijacker and stop it
from running. Highlight it and click on "end task".
However, it will probably reinstall itself whenever you
reboot or during browsing unless you do a few things.

1. Clean out your cookies. It probably has a cookie
planted in your machine.
2. Using freeware programs you can download like Spybot
and Ad-Aware, clean out your computer of all adware and
spyware, which is what hijacked your computer.
3. Download Spysweeper from Webroot. There is a 30 day
free trial, but after 30 days I now pay for the service
($40 for two years) because it finds things that Spybot
and Ad-aware miss. It will also clean out spy programs,
including changes they make to your registry, which is why
the thing re-implants itself with every reboot. Spyware
also has an alert that you can turn on so whenever someone
tries to hijack your browser, it asks if you want your
search engine changed.

Lastly, in Internet Explorer, go into Tools, Internet
options. In the privacy tab, go into edit and put in the
address that you copied from the hijacker. Mark it
as "block" so they can't implant any more cookies.

There's a lot of people with nothing to do but mess us up,
aren't there?

Good luck.


Jeff Linder

Thanks for the help. I had to go to this Web site and do a dangerous thing:
download an application, meant to uninstall this devious program.
Downloading something like this usually gets my virus antenna up. However I
took the plunge, downloaded the app. I think it worked. Thanks
gain. -Jeff

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